Dirt Wizard's Magic Wand Factory and Library Lounge

Personally, the majority of my Sea-90 additions is at the start with soil prep, and then at the very end to sweeten things up. A little bit in between but mostly start and finish.


Okay. But when you were doing the SEA-90 foliars, were you doing anything else in between? Or was it just a weekly SEA-90 foliar and that’s it? I’m pretty apprehensive about going overboard with the foliars, but I’m also really sick of every grow for the last year+ ending with me getting either aphids or thrips around week ten of flower, so I’ve been being a little more hardcore lately.

Not that I think SEA-90 is any kind of “pest deterrent” or anything, I’m just saying…

So you’re drenching with it, then? That’s how I’d usually use it, too, although I do remember foliaring with it every now and then. Back when I was using it, I was super-anti foliars haha, I dunno why. Probably because they’re more of a pain in the ass than just mixing shit into the water and drenching haha.


I’ve been thinking similarly, though also along the lines of @ReikoX use patterns too. I think my plan is to use it lightly in my soil amendments, some periodic (weekly or bi-weekly) foliars through early flower, then a soil drench a few weeks before the end to give a good sulfur/K/micro boost for bud ripening. How does that sound based on your experience, guys?


Sounds like a plan haha. Probably how I’m gonna do it, too, especially since everything is going into basically brand-new, recently mixed soil.

I’m excited! Haha! It really has been yeeeeaarrrssss since I’ve used SEA-90.


In updates from the Magic Wand Factory’s current activity, the flowering tent is starting to take off, plants definitely noticed something’s different and they’re beginning to reach up:

Starting to see real differences between the Cinderella and Cindy Mix, the hybrid is taller and much fatter leaved but with a recognizable C99 structure overall. I love the thin, hazy leafs that C99 puts out, I don’t think I’ve grown anything else yet that was as delicate looking, between the narrow leaf and the sometimes vining structure.

C99 in the front, Cindy Mix in the back, closeups in the same order:


Yep, just once a week foliars.


I also opened up the vents on my big seedling dome and setup a little AC Infinity USB fan sucking some air up out of one to get circulation going in there. Turned off the heat pad last night because it had done its job and was just drying out the Jiffys.


@minitiger , yeah its basically all drench unless I squeeze in a BloomFormula foliar in early flower like I did on Sunday(yet to do my update on that, long story). The BloomFormula has the least amount of the Sea-90 in it at 125mL per gallon. LeafFormula has zero Sea-90 so the majority of my foliar apps dont have it.

I think your plan sounds sound @Dirt_Wizard :+1: :+1:


@BeagleZ @ReikoX @minitiger feel free to steal this, I’ve been back on my Imgflip bullshit lately:



FuckYeah, this is going to blow up IG LOL
sea of cortez would be good to add, get all the hippy shit in there :rofl:


One thing I just remembered, pretty sure it was the reason why I stopped using SEA-90, actually, was that I sent my soil mix in for analysis after maybe three years and the salt levels were REALLY high. I dunno if it was from the SEA-90 (I only used it maybe three or four times a grow). Coulda been from the kelp teas. Or maybe a combination of the two, I really have no idea haha.

Not that that’s gonna stop me from using it for this grow haha, but I did think that was interesting. Maybe something to consider, I dunno. I just grabbed it from the closet and set it on my grow room table, just so I wouldn’t forget about it haha. I’m definitely using it moving forward. At least for the current grow, anyway.


I was hesitant at first for the same reason. I believe the key is in the dilution, 3% salinity is the max. Which will get you sea water, same as your blood, same as the plants blood, pretty interesting, the more you look into it the more its all connected.

and of course moderation is key in all things

I dont worry about much anymore, I laugh in the face of PH lol


That’s the nice part about foliar sprays, they won’t accumulate in the soil. :wink:



Wait does this make me a salt grower :grimacing:


Here you go:

saltbaememe saltbaememe2


Oh shit maybe


Is that just because you’re using less so it never gets into the soil, just the plant? I assume some of it washes off with the next foliar, but it must be so insignificant compared to soil amendment or drenches.


Yes, a foliar spray should remain on the plant. If it’s dripping on the soil, you used too much IMO.


This is stupid, but I smoke in my garage and put on these roper boots I found at the thrift to go out there. I love the pull loops on the tops of them, great third hand tool for a stoner in his smoking rocker:


I keep seeing this paper referenced in landrace threads, gotta read it soon:

This one too:
“Cannabis Systematics at the Levels of Family, Genus, and Species”


Big shoutout to one of the authors for feeding people and dogs cannabis seeds and then fishing them out of their :poop: and planting them for science:

Edit: going to drop a few more papers here as bookmarks for myself and others:

This one will hopefully help me better understand how PureCrop1 works:

This is the best article I’ve read about immigrant labor in the contemporary cannabis industry: