Do you prefer a PH meter over Ph test drops?

I use drops. I’m growing in Octopots so I fill the reservoir that sits under the fabric pot containing the roots. When I mix a bucket of nutrient solution, I use a wine thief to take samples for pH testing, then use an auto-siphon to move the liquid from bucket to reservoir once it is properly adjusted. The thief and siphon are items I used often when I was a homebrewer. It’s nice to find another purpose for them!

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This time of year is always slow and boring for me, therefor, buy and build things.
Just one more Ph pen, itll be diffrent this time, promise. Here follows my justification for buying more “stuff”.

Found a Ph meter that is a good middle ground between cheapest stick and replaceable probe beasts in the +100€ range with 50€ probes.
ADWA is in the mail, coming next week, going to give Ph pens my best shot, 3 probes total.
Storage and calibration solution a plenty too, skimped on it in the past, never bought new calibration solutions or storage fluid.

Maybe its the EU version of Dr.Meter, looks a little cheaper.
Ordered mine for 40€ and replacement probes for 25€.

From experience and what I`ve read, seems most people just don’t know how to treat the Ph probe, I sure didn’t, so it stops working, that and they just aren’t built to last more than a few years.
Conclusion, buy replacement probes and storage fluid. Will report my experience after a few weeks.