Need a new PH probe

hey im looking to get a new PH probe any suggestions and could i use aqarium test strips in a pinch


I have the apera ph60 from Amazon. I like it, but I dropped it and broke the sensor. $33 for a sensor replacement on a $75 meter. I ordered a new one but I wish I had gone bluelab or Hannah now. As local shops don’t carry apera and I was flying blind for a few days while waiting on a replacement


I like the drops. Not perfect but never wrong. If you need it dialled into .03 maybe it’s not the best solution. But I like to have it as a backup to be sure my meter is telling me the right things :+1:


I think you mean a PH meter. The probe is either built onto the meter or connects with a BNC connector usually. I have bluelab meters and would highly recommend them. If your only looking for a BNC probe, grab the cheapest you can find. All meters and new probes will need to be calibrated monthly, at least the bluelabs will tell you it’s time to recalibrate(every month).

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yes sorry i did mean meter

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The probes go bad so understand they won’t last forever. That’s why I decided to get a meter that has a probe connected via BNC. I have had to replace the probe once in 5yrs. But better than replacing the whole device.


and what is the brand name ?

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I use bluelab, they have a few different types. They have pens(built in probe/throw away) and then meters like the guardian that have ph probes that can be replaced.

If you go the pen route I would expect about 3yrs. out of one taking good care of it.


I just bought the combo ph/ec from blue lab…cost way too much up in Canada but I can say it is worth every cent. I have spent equal money on a ton of pens and should have bought the good shit initially.
Bluelab METCOM Combo Meter for pH, Temperature, Conductivity (Nutrient) in Water with Easy Calibration, Digital TDS Tester for Hydroponic System and I


330$ man that pricey.

209 on Amazon(usa). Buy once cry once.


I’m using Milwaukee and have no complaints so far and the probe is replaceable. Affordable too.

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I use a Blue Lab and am happy with it.

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I use Hanna. I have 300$ invested. I have two meters. Calibration solution cleaning solution storage solution. It adds up.

Which model are you using?

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I’m using their pH55, and their EC40.

They’re also built in Romania not China and seem to be a different design than the standard changed branding pens you see everywhere.

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Dr. Meter ph-100, easy to calibrate and use. Won’t break the bank. Purchased on Amazon.

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I have a Blulab ph meter I need to replace. Have a separate truncheon of ppm/ec that’s nice to use too.

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I had the blue lap and killed it. I will replace with the same.

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I just keep using these $13 or $19 for the ph/tds bundle

Cheap PH