Does The OG Community Think This Plant is Ready For Harvest

I lost track of what strain it is, but I know it’s one of two. It’s either Bubblelicious, or Bubble Kush, both are Nirvana strains.

When looking at the pics, keep in mind this plant has been fighting with a bout of, what I think is, septoria. Here is my post on that.
Also, the plant is slightly wet because I just sprayed with down with fungicide. The fungicide I’m using is “Grower’s Ally Fungicide.” This fungicide is approved for use on hemp and it can be harvested a day after it was applied. The water makes it hard to see the trichomes on the buds.

Here are the pics. Please let me know if you think it’s ready for harvest.

Thanks OG!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice :cherry_blossom: