Doing the root pruning thing again, this time with MicroKote

Good luck, I had SM at the beginning of my last grow for the first time.


Mites really did my Cann. Lapiz Mtn. indica in, the only female I got out of 8 grown. :roll_eyes: I got the mites under control and over the last few weeks have been removing handfuls of damaged, necrotic leaves. This thing is so full of leaves, many of them healthy and functional that I think my yields will be OK on this little indica. There are big fan leaves within leaves, layered on top of each other.

I never “leaf”, that’s defeating and another one of those ridiculous cannabis forum myths perpetuated in forums by those who have little to no experience growing flowering and fruiting plants/trees. I do remove unproductive leaves.

Colors are nice, aroma is piney with a strong smell of bubblegum.

The flowering Lapiz Mtn. is kept in the greenhouse to finish out. Daylight hours are about 12/12.

Let’s try this again. Germination rates have been the pits but when you’re gifted seeds then “beggars can’t be choosers”. New (and rare) indicas are 1 Cannacopia Choc. Chunk, 1 Deep Chunk, 1 Hazeman Monkey Balls. Back row is the Juliet grape tomato seedlings. Probably the best large, big grape tomato available.

The Cannacopia Choc. Chunk (front row, left) took 11 days to pop the soil’s surface after hydrating 2 beans in a glass of water. Longest I’ve seen. Out of 2 seeds hydrated, only one made it.

NOTE: I have been transferring my cannabis seedlings into full sun as it’s available. With cloudy skies and/or full sun, they’re under lights on a 20/4 schedule.

They’re being fed Osmocote Indoor-Outdoor Plus, 5-6 month, watered with rainwater. Babies will be upcanned into 2 gallon pots that have been fully painted with MicroKote rather than using only X’s. Way things are growing, probably in about a week. Also, the Styro-cups were painted black to prevent algae blooms.

Uncle Ben


Some of the products I use around the farm. I understand that no one in this group will use such products since they’re stuck in the cannabis specific products drill, but just for kicks…

Excellent for mite control, and, about anything that “sucks” - mealybugs, scale, aphids. Bought a gallon off Amazon when it was cheap a year or so ago. I would use this up to heavy tricrome production. Shake well, it contains an emulsifier.

Surfactant. Save yourself some money and buy from a feed supply store.

Saltpeter, for that extra hit of K and N.

Haven’t used this in ages.



Howzit hangin’ @OldUncleBen
Not true there my friend…LOL
I do.
I think a lot like you, I may have even learned some of these tricks from you, long ago. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I too use mineral oil instead of all the Woo Woo juice in the hydro stores.
As you mentioned in the other thread, we both use cheap silica, not those $100 bottles.
I have also used Osmocote outside with good success.
Not sure if that came from you or a friend who use to hide weed plants in farmer’s corn fields, back when things were illegal.

But you sir, are not alone. :rofl:
Those that like to hold on to their cash would do well to take notice.

To look at her you would not know it.
She looks dam good to me. :wink:

I almost forgot, I totally agree here.


I’d have to agree with @shag. Not true.
I’m a big fan of simple household or farm store organic fixes!


Happy that you have freed yourself of high prices and most time inferior products, good on ya!

With warmer temps, she is really kicking in some buds even since yesterday. Today it’s 90F and she’s getting full sun, for about 7 hours of her 12 hour day now.

Another benefit - my rainwater registers a pH of around 5.6. You’d think it would be neutral but cabonic acid and the anerobic fermentation in the 3,000 gal. tank has an impact.

Grow hard,


NOW, I understand where the name “deep chunk” or “freak chunk” comes from! The abundant leaves, hidden buds and super short internodes on this Cannacopia Lapiz Mtn. indica is unreal. I pulled back a few leaves to check what’s growing in the abyss.


Did it again, waited too long to upcan. I noticed that these babes were not growing much, they were potbound. I pinched off the bottom spin out.

Painting the cups with black paint worked well - no algae bloom this time.

They are in 2 gal. pots. All internal surfaces of the pots were painted with MicroKote.

Uncle Ben


Harvested the only female exactly 8 weeks after flipping to 12/12 - Cannacopia Lapis Mountain indica. Very small plant at 18". Now I know what they mean by hybrid vigor, cause this and my other indicas have NONE. I usually harvest plants at 4’ - 6’ but with landrace type indicas you need to let them veg for a long time. There was no stretch to speak of.

Plant recovered nicely from a hit of spider mites which I got under control. Leaves remained healthy and green until the end. The only food I used was about 1 TB. of Osmocote Indoor-Outdoor Plus scratched into the top inch of soil. 15-9-12, 5-6 month release.

I put the lower part back under the lights to see what will happen. 20/4 lights.

About a day before the chop I removed most of the fan leaves for the sake of convenience the next day…then out the door running errands like we single folks do.

Lots of dense, sticky chunks.

Note, the buds deep in the canopy that got no light are very nice. I chopped off the top of the plant to take out incriminating background.

I have a lot of loose chunks in an oversized wire colander with a fan on them. Ones hanging have a fan blowing on them too.

Uncle Ben


Looking mighty fine brother man!
Nice and frosty.
Love the color too.
Old school indica for sure.
Have you smoked this one before?
Seems like a good haul for an 18 inch tall plant.

Hi there
Paps here

I just got caught up on this thread great info thanks for posting

I always root prune before up potting but never tried the chemical method. ( old fashioned scissors lol :joy:)
I only use plastic when there small and transparent in to fabric bag with my Octopots
I may just need to do a Side by side comparison grow just to see

Good to have you around


Thanks brother. Never have smoked this one. Friend who gave me the seeds said this about it:

8 males? That’s insane. The Lapis Mt Indica is a great high. It was what made me realize I actually do like indicas. It’s been a while but I remember it being a good high that never put me on the couch. Strong but a mellow feel. Cerebral but nothing racy about it. I enjoyed it

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Howdy and thanks, good to be here.

Try MicroKote. The new ones are in pots that were painted top to bottom with it. Am also putting quite a bit of tomatoes in treated pots. I grow pineapples and will put a new rooted store bought top in a treated pot tomorrow.


Well, am real happy with this little 18" plant - Cannacopia Lapis Mtn. indica. Cure is done, came in at 94 grams or 3.3 oz. Citrus/skunk/diesel odor. Took 3 hits from a perculator bong last night - smoke is very smooth, great high, relaxing but an up feeling for an indica, no couch lock.

Plenty of resin albeit on small, short trichomes.

Have 3 indicas in veg still. The Hazeman Monkey Balls (Deep Chunk F2) is quite vigorous.

"HazeMan had some F1 seeds to make this F2 give away of Tom Hills creation. The effect is very strong and long lasting. The yield of this plant is very high. Expect the flowering time to be any where from 54 to 64 days. This is another old Classic brought back just for the holidays.

Variety: Indica
Yield: High
Plant Height: Medium
Flowering Time: 8 - 9 weeks "


Monkey Balls is a confirmed lady, front right. Back left is the harvested Lapis Mtn. revegged for about 3 weeks or so. Plants are doing fine being given only rainwater. Occasionally I’ll mix in my well water, about 1/2, which has a very high TDS mainly bicarbs of Mg and Ca.

Never again will I do an indoor garden outside of the cool/cold and short days of winter. What a PITA for light and heat control.

FWIW, that Lapis Mtn. indica is some really good pot. Creeper weed fer sure. Laughing weed.

Have a safe and spiritual weekend,
Uncle Ben



If I didn’t have bad luck I’d have no luck at all. :roll_eyes: Am finding more macho males, guess that’s what pure indicas do. Out of 10 indicas started since Nov. 2021, only 2 have been females.

Am finding MicroKote works on some of the roots @Oldjoints. Destroyed a male yesterday and some of the perimeter roots showed some root pruning, most did not. The root system is extreme on my plants, as usual. Remember amigos, forget about the buds, IT’S ALL ABOUT THE ROOTS!

I am NOT seeing any Mycorrhizal fungi filaments on the roots either. Pretty disappointing when you pay a good price for that stuff.

I tore into the rootball with my fingers and a shovel, beat this thing to death on the ground trying to salvage the soil. Finally gave up and tossed the whole thing. That’s a good thing. If you haven’t produced a huge mass of roots, you have not reached the full potential of your efforts.

This Hazeman Monkey Balls (Deep Chunk F2) is a fine plant. Love the structure. Unlike Deep Chunk which looks like a huge mass of leaves someone stepped on, this one has a nice branching structure with some space between the internodes. Flipped 12/12 March 26.

Grow hard,
Uncle Ben :sunglasses: :cowboy_hat_face:


I still haven’t pulled the trigger on the MicroKote yet but I am sure I will give it a try!


I’ve got a small sample bottle of it that this thread has me convinced to get out today and paint up a set of ProCal 1g with, I’ve got a bunch but switched to 2G fabric transplanters for veg, would love to get those back working for my spring seed pops and the Vortex run I’ve got coming up, I’ll need a lot of smaller pots for that and have to keep them healthy, I’m hoping hard pots with MicroKote will make the watering regimen easier with that small volume. Will post updates later today.

Happy Spring to all, it finally hit the Northeast hard and this week has been all running around finding soil mix components and other stuff, I got more Espoma Lightning Lime and Bio-Tone Starter, and a few bags of some really nice and cheap ($7/bag) composted cow manure from a company in CT that keeps the whole farm-compost-bagging-sale chain local since they get their poop from CT dairy farms and I get it from the local pet and garden co-op that stocks up hard for the spring on pallets for some three-plus bag discounts and 3-for-2 deals.

I’m about to mix up 4cf of ProMix moisture control (the red compressed mini-bale from Walmart $13.50 for 2cf, organic yellow mini-bales are supposed to be $11.50 but nobody had them in stock yet) with a bag of that manure, lime, EWC, soldier fly frass, a bag of Espoma Raised Bed mix, some Bio-Tone Starter, DTE Bio-Fish, and some Dr Earth 4-4-4 for good measure. Once plants are maturing in their pots I’m gonna top dress with some Osmocote Plus 6 month, since most of these will go late in my sunny valley spot and some will overwinter on the sunporch or living room bay window.

Thanks for all the soil mix tips, @OldUncleBen ! We don’t always see eye to eye 100% but I value your agricultural/nursery approach to things generally, especially mixing up soils and using the good stuff from commercial ag suppliers for IPM and the like. My local little grow shop is run by a couple who bought it from the founder about five years ago as a retirement business, and they’re former Florida and New England orchard/nursery folks, with a splash of “probably used to run some big room with a few dozen lights back in the day” from one of them. They’ve held my hand along with the better forum members here since I started growing a few years ago, and the advice to stick to the organic basics instead of product lines has been great for me and my plants. It feels like I’ve spent a ton of money on five and eight pound boxes and bags of inputs, but when I think about how much it would have cost to buy the couple hundred gallons of excellent soil I now have, it doesn’t seem so bad. And sticking with the farm and garden products has meant that they all go in my yard and veg garden too, and I give them away to friends, family etc because they’re so cheap. It’s nice to be the organic wizard with a couple pill bottles and ziplocks full of secret sauces that you can share with someone and say actually it’s not a secret it’s just back to basics and it’s really cheap! Or just as much I say here’s a spice jar full of Osmocote Plus, this little thing will make all your houseplants boom with just a few tablespoons, which is like magic, pure ag science magic, especially that the slow-release coated salt fertilizers play nice with organics, which is the middle road I’m starting to explore, fully healthy organic soil food webs juiced up with a safe salt like Osmocote for maximum performance with no ideology behind it.

And @Oldjoints since you’re here- thanks for doing that Blue Tara F3, I’ve got one finishing right now and it is such a beautiful plant, much thinner leaved and long-maturing than I expected, did you select toward the Blue Moonshine sativa phenos?


Now that is funny. :joy:
This may be due to the paclo. if you used it on that plant that is.
Do you think the paclo contributes to better roots?

Watering requirements all depends on the root and leaf mass. The more the mass, the more water they require. My only lady left requires almost a gallon a day. Pot is about 2.5 gallon. It’s so convenient to grab the water hose and flood the pot with well water while it’s outdoors. Easy peasy…

I’ve got maters in RootMaker fabric pots. PITA as they need watering often.

Temps have been in the mid 70’s, sunny skies. I’ve been giving her full sun about 10 hours out of the day if skies are clear. No leaf burn. Osmocote is still chugging along as you can see in the pix.

Off to shit can my last male now. Will post pix if I find something relevant.


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