Doug Dawson's giveaway thread (Part 1)

Dam Doug you are the most generous person in the OG world :earth_americas:!:clap::clap::partying_face::peace_symbol:

Can I put my birthday :partying_face: wish in now?


Yes sir I will do my best :+1:


Nice man, hard to go wrong with Muttley.

Lol, couldn’t say. You are pretty dam cool yourself brother.

Lol, don’t know about that, but I do what I can :wink:

OK, done deal. Since you are going to plant them right away and do a grow journal I will send you some Blue Kush seeds. Send me your info.


I went back and saw that i DID sign up for the Blue Kush seedrun.
So i deleted my name (above from this giveaway).

@MissinBissin it looks like you didn’t sign up for the Blue Kush seedrun, so if you want them, i’ll send you mine once they arrive.


Dam how OG of you. The generosity on OG is overwhelming. :clap::clap::clap::peace_symbol::sunglasses:


Don’t worry, I am his distributor. Anyone who didn’t get a chance to sign up, and is in Canada, will have a shot at these. I have a few thousand extras and still have to shuck 2/3rds of the plants. Been lazy, lol, they are juat sitting in a box waiting for me.


Now if I could just win those Blue OG Kush seeds and Collects card tomorrow for my 60th Birthday it would be a GR8 way to Start the Day! :wink: :sunglasses: :peace_symbol:


Awesome, thank you for taking care of the Canadian members. Every day i see more reasons to move there.

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That would be Greatly Apppreciated @BudWhisperer.
Caught me flush with that one. I did miss the sign-up.
I will dm you. Again, you rock


No problem at all!
But If you go up 3 posts, turns out that Doug D. said he would hook you up as he’s also in Canada. As i’m in the US.


Wonderful stuff and Thanks Guys


I would hope that EVERYONE on here only signs up for the same strain until they win it and then have the decency to quit signing up for it again and again.

I also wish that everyone who signs up for a giveaway actually wanted to win it and not win it to give away to their buddy immediately. That is unfair to everyone else who only has one chance to win. If Billy Bob is only signed up to give the prize to Jim Bob then Jim Bob has two chances to win.

I wish there was a way to limit the number of giveaways a member could sign up for in a week, a month, a year.

I wish there was a $.50 cent fee to sign up for a giveaway. Half goes to the OG fund, the other half goes towards reimbursing guys like @DougDawson who spend $50.00+ each month on shipping alone.


Thank you @DougDawson ! The Blue Kush pollen you sent me arrived today. Straight into the freezer like it is if I don’t plan to use it for at least 30 days?

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Ha! I’m the opposite… i’m in Canada, born and raised Metis Canadian and everyday I wake i see more reason to get the hell of this country :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: but weed is legal so there is that. The other Canadians on this site seem like an awesome bunch though


We are ok I guess. Sorry to all other nations.


Where would you go if you had tour choice?

No, no and defiantly no. I do accept donations for stamps but to put a fee of even $0.50 on a signup monetizes this and I won’t be part of that. I do a yearly auction that always makes a pretty penny for OG.

No problem, bring it up when I reach out about your fall box bud.

Awesome, glad it made it safely. Have fun with it bud.

Meh, that’s the people, not the country. This is why I prefer my time in the woods where at least I know where I stand with all the living things around me. Mitakuye Oyasin. It’s Lakota and not Metis but still, I love the sentiment.


that is the big question… alaska, serbia, uryguay ?
I live in a really good spot in really small town canada though, 100’s of fishable lakes in every direction and many of them offer truly world class fishing. A few hours drive and I can have my boat in the ocean fishin for salmon/halibut ect. I can atv from my driveway and go for miles in the back country. I have excellent hunting opportunities here as well so there is lots keeping me here. I am at home in nature and could probably leave everything behind for a remote cabin in the woods… as long as I could still grow my weed :smiley: :rofl:


Agree totally Doug. Every country has it’s assholes. I like to think I’ve travelled a fair bit…wouldn’t want to live anywhere but Canada.

No offence rest of the world.


If I had my way I’d spend 6 months plus a day in Canada and the rest of it somewhere tropical to avoid winter.