Down by the riverside - UK autoflower

Stormy weather smells so good, blueberrys are looking sweet n you’ve got some good neighbors there people are so weird about weed here :joy:

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The smell has a name. It’s called petrichor, or at least was referred to as petrichor by Australian scientists in the 60s. Just another useless fact for you there :joy: I’m a big fan of it too.

The neighbours here appreciate it when you just live a life of general courtesy. We don’t have music blaring all hours. People coming and going all the time (except the kids). Graham next door is from Glasgow originally he is like 76 years old and quite ill so I help him as and when and always stop for a chat. Hopefully my neighbours do the same when I’m older. The other ones didn’t really say much until the dog incident so naturally I was weary/suspicious.

The blueberry autos I’m actually really impressed with. Pretty sure they’re a @Bob13 creation. Someone here wanted me to send some autos and I can’t for the life of me remember who it was or what thread it was on.


No way it’s got a name :joy: wish I could bottle it as aftershave.

Sounds like you’re in a nice enough spot mate it definitely helps when you’ve a good set of neighbors, older people are the best just so wise and gentle.

I might have to hit up @Bob13 and get some autos going by a riverside near me some day, when do you reckon the latest date to get them outside would be. Have I missed the boat this year

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I’ve got plenty of his beans here mate. More than willing to send some out the next day or 2. You will still have time I would imagine. Your weather stays nicer longer than ours. And @Esrgood4u is even further north and chancing it.

Let me know where to send them and I’ll fire a mix pack together :sunglasses:

The area is alright really. Quietly loud :joy:


Quietly loud I love it :rofl: n I might take you up on that (I’m closer than you think btw) 0161 manny on the map :call_me_hand::stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve got a shed load of his crosses here also mate. More than I could ever grow out. Mostly lruv crosses.
Oh and I’m gonna be starting more autos in pots in the coming weeks. The weather is usually good enough up until September to grow autos here in the uk


This is in the evening after praying all day in 28c sunlight. Changed the feed from chemgen to doff tomato feed after reading an old thread on another forum. Nothing but tomato feed (although tomorite) and a PK booster later on in bloom. They’ve been happy all day. Lovely green colour.

The feed has a seaweed extract and epsom salts. so Sulphur and magnesium. The doff is npk 2-1-5 for the record.

Didn’t pH the soup. So is what it is. But the plants are dug straight in the dirt so can’t be too picky.
One smaller ghost poop x cookie devil showed male so was culled fast. There’s still one more and a purple dark sparks x blueberry (confirmed fem on the latter) in there.

@Sense who is far more local than I thought. Likea what he sees and wanted to get some autos out himself. So I put him a pack together today. OG has spoiled me on the market value of beans so 100+ seems like nothing :upside_down_face: only paying it forward anyway.

@Esrgood4u I have a mutant LRUV x cheese still in a solo here i couldn’t give up. Not sure what it will do but as it stands wouldn’t run a full space with them. Would run the BB indoors though.

What beans you got that match mine bro? Wouldn’t mind a same day planting and see what happens both latitudes


I’m gonna clear my polytunnel out and sticking 5 original sensible seeds Runtz autos in it at some point next week. Just need to pick up some more of that new horizons compost at the weekend.
I’ll have a dig through my seed box and see what seeds we both got from @Bob13 and I’ll crack a couple same date as you start yours. Manchester is usually around 2c warmer than Newcastle is so yours will more than likely perform a bit better.
The things we do in the name of science eh :v:


I cut 500ml beer alum cans and put them around ~2week old (vegged inside) seedlings. No problems whatsoever, and the garden was drip irrigated , so we had a slugfest


I’ll get a plot made up over the weekend here too in that case and aim for a Monday plant when we decide what we’re running bro. Manchester is absolutely baking at the moment still. This is absolute bro science though init. Still be good to see how it pans out :nerd_face:


What I’ll do is put a list up of the seeds I’ve received from @Bob13 and you can choose whatever it is your wanting to put in the dirt. I’ve got enough room at the bottom of the garden to put out another 4 plants directly in the dirt maybe 5 at a push.

Im watchin, i always figured july was the cutoff for planting autos. I got a few going outdoors but inspections caused me to rip out the indoors so bit of a sad state here.


I figured something was up buddy as you’ve not been on OG for a bit. Hope culling your indoor stuff hasn’t effected your mental state much. Electricity isn’t cheap here so all them weeks/months of growing surely impacted your thoughts on growing more in the future.


Cant lie it did a bit but i smelled somethin nice a couple doors down n made a friend. Still on the recovery path so seeing if i can get funding to be self employed and grow microgreens indoors so they expect me to have lights n a grow tent up in the house ya know? :rofl::wink:


If it makes it any easier. I know off the top of my head whats there bro.
Blueberry thick
Green dark sparks x blueberry
Purple dark sparks x blueberry
Monster kush x s90
Bb x ds X mk x s90
Ghost poop x cookie devil

I could probably get away with another 4 or 5 too i reckon :thinking:


I’ll look through my stash tonight see what seeds I’ve got that’s a match.



If this care package from mcr arrives before monday I’d be happy to join in this little uk grow off. Don’t think the step mum will allow 4 plants but might get away with 2, we’ll see :grin: there’s always the guerilla patch as overflow


Bro your gonna turn this into a competition ffs :joy:


Bit of healthy competition never hurt no-one :wink:

Besides, I’m a new grower, the pressures on you old boys :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The dark spark x blueberry will be fastest but theres the crinkle leaf pheno still in there so some may just be runts, might have to pop a blueberry alongside yous lot if theres a competition going on and im the farthest north.