ELITE CUT'S What does it take?

Some elites are legitimately special. Some are ok with a hype machine. Some are elite cuts… but for other people’s taste pallete, not my own.

IMO the sole factor determining true ‘elite’ status in the way the Cannabis community uses the term is end product quality.

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Agreed. I found a pretty good plant last year and I’ve been keeping it around since then. Super easy to grow real frosty and a good smell. Oh yeah and a good buzz. I’ve been giving it away as much as possible and I find that fulfilling. It will also be interesting to see it grown by other people in different conditions.


Imho all it takes is for people to buy the hype.
I have lots of ‘elite’ cuts… so elite that nobody else even has any, are they good? Meh. Idk but I say they are ‘leet cuts so they must be. If the question is ‘what makes a super popular cultivar’ then it’s partly the name, party hype and sometimes partly actual note worthy attributes. Quality and scarcity are what normally defines something as ‘elite’ though most times anything claimed as ‘elite’ is neither.


@Jackalope do you have a grow log for fritter bomb? I actually grabbed a pack recently and remembered you commenting about enjoying it.

I think it is all hype and what is hard to find that makes it rare and elite! Let’s take the San Diego afghani bullrider for example. I had and have grown it. Honestly it wasn’t a knock you off your feet and hit the couch high, but the flavor was something else. Sweet, sour, piney, and something else I can’t put my hand on. The flavor alone is what got me wanting, also it was a nice high, the kind I like where I can still function. So it’s to each your own that makes things elite its all in the eye of the beholder. Some may hate while some might love.