Black cherry soda

This is a longshot, but is anybody still growing the black cherry soda clone? or have access to black cherry soda s1’s or hybrids?

This is a medical line with a unique terpene profile, about %15 thc and a diversity of trace cannabinoids.

I have been looking for this line for medical use for 3 years when it was no longer available locally.

I used to be able to grow local black cherry soda s1’s, but they are not around any more.

If anybody is growing the clone, I would love to send you some genetics to hybridize with the clone. If anybody has s1’s or outcrosses I might be interested in trading if it is a genetic combination that would work for my medical needs.

I would also appreciate any tips you might have if you know where to get it.

Someone recommended annunaki genetics a while ago, but they no longer have the cross that was recommended.

Thanks all.


Not sure where your located but cloud city clones in Cali has it


There’s a lot of the fem black cherry soda seeds available, if you don’t find the clones.


used to be located in the bay area, man I miss my gardens in california. Growing there was really easy.

thanks for the tip though that may be useful.


Where from? I try to be pretty careful about where I get my seeds.

S1’s would be my best option, the black cherry soda puts out pretty stable s1’s with a nice phenotypical variation.


Pacific seed bank
Dutch seeds
Click on the above to direct link.
I try to be pretty careful about where I get my seeds too.


Thanks for the tips heliosphear. I will look into this. @Heliosphear I really appreciate the links, I have an eye injury so that saves me a lot of effort.

The dutch seeds one is pretty sketchy, they have the genetics completely wrong listing the parents two strains which are themselves outcrosses of black cherry soda.

classic “I am my own grandpa” paradox.

I will need to look into the pacific seed bank and dutchman seeds. It’s a west coast line so I am somewhat wary about buying it from a european company. A little pricey as well.

One of the brands they list (amsterdam seeds / ams) sells fakes so that’s not a great indicator.


Thank you for the seed bank tip.
I found this listing at clone city



Lemon Tree is a hybrid cross of Lemon Skunk and Sour Diesel.

Strong lemon aromas, making this strain smell really fresh. This is a great, uplifting and balanced high.
I see what you mean by needing to be really sure the seller is truthful about the product.


Subcools “Dank 2.0” :blue_book: indicates Dioxide obtained a buggy clone before they worked with it(Black Russian). Says “clone-only” but it’s an older book. :man_shrugging:




The information in the book is correct, it is a clone only line, genetics unknown. For years the only information available about it online was subcool’s description of that clone on breedbay and in the dank 2.0 book.

This is why I would only expect to find outcrosses or s1’s at best. It was a well regarded medical strain in that community, but legalization pretty much busted up the california and oregon medical cannabis communities and existing MMJ businesses, and I haven’t seen the cut in years.

Frankly s1’s are very unlikely, I have a feeling the original cut is almost extinct. It may exist in some private garden or in some commercial production licensed gardens, but it doesn’t seem to be in circulation.

I will check out the cloud city clones tip and see if what they have fits with what I remember from the cut and actual s1’s.


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once again, it’s time for my yearly quest to find black cherry soda.

It’s a really special medical line for migraines and severe nausea… which are really crippling me today.

Usually I can just tolerate pain and discomfort, but extreme nausea just wears you down until it’s hard to cope. And eventually even baseline pain feels overwhelming.

Is anybody still growing the original clone, or know where to source it?
Is anybody growing genuine s1’s, or know where to find them?
Is anybody growing black cherry soda outcrosses? Or know of any black cherry soda hybrids that are currently available?

I used to have a local s1 line that I grew from clone for two years, but after I lost the clones, I found I could no longer get those locally made s1’s.

Because this is for medical use, it has to be genuine. not an imitation, recreation, or knockoff.

But if I could find a hybrid from a trustworthy breeder made with the real thing, I would probably be able to find at least a phenotype or two that does the trick.

Thanks everybody!


I recall that Strain/Variety Name. Let me check Log Book and the Ole Stash Bag. If found, you’re welcomed to them!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


SORRY, it was Black Cherry Sherbet. I apologize, but will be on the lookout. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Someone’s got Plushberry (BCS x Space Queen) clones for sale on Strainly, don’t know anything about the vendor:

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I’ve got a Black Cherry Punch clone in veg.


So, Annunaki Genetics seems to be linked to/maybe own this seed/clonebank website that offers Black Cherry Soda unrooted cuttings or clones, it’s pricey but they look legit to me, maybe you’ll be able to tell by looking at their photos:

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I found this on the Annunaki website in one of their cross descriptions:

“Mother: The legendary Black Cherry Soda just so happens to be the very first cannabis plant we ever acquired. We were in the right place at the right time and this one plant alone has played a HUGE role in our success in our long journey in the cannabis industry.
While we praise and promote many strains in our garden, we’ll come straight out and say it– Black Cherry Soda stands on a pedestal, above all others, as she quite simply HAS IT ALL. We still regard her to this day as our #1 favorite cannabis variety of all time. There’s just no denying her massively large yield, her potent, pleasant-minded high, her beautiful purple-red coloration (from the inside out), the very sweet and entirely unique cherry-berry red skittles aroma, and her outright performance and longevity in the garden. BCS is still part of nearly every harvest we run, and has been for about 10 years now because she is that special.”

Note the same language about “stands on a pedestal…”


Also I see that JAWS has a cross available with it:

And I dug around OG here’s what I found:

@Gardenartus keeps a BCS mother plant

@catapult and @DavesNotHere were/are holding Annunaki BCS BX1 or BX2 packs

Maybe you can figure something out with one of them?