Too many flavors - ice cream & weed comparison

So I’m probably not the only person who has difficulty choosing ice cream when there’s hundreds of kinds but 90% of them all suck. Right? :man_shrugging:

I grabbed some vanilla bean haagen-dazs & later when enjoying it, I realized it’s exactly like weed! :man_facepalming: The good old classics are the foundation of the fucked-up, mixed-up, mish-mashed poly hybrids, and usually destroy them. :thinking:

The people need educatin’ :rofl: & there’s work to be done. No more of this throw random shit against the wall, no more candied donut cereal! :laughing:

:blush: but I do love some of the new shit :roll_eyes: it just needs isolating & line-breading & stabilizing so EVEN MORE cool new shit can be made. if everyone’s working with mud :green_salad: salad stew then it’ll take forever to sort things out .

just ranty opinion, no real training involved



But who wants plain Jane vanilla when you could have tooty fruity… :wink:

I do get your point however


Road Kill Sherbert


tutti fruitti putooti


Amen to that … but most of classics are polyhybrids too ^^ But I got the idea of the opinion, i guess.


Definitely a fan of the classics. Vanilla has always been a favorite because you just can’t go wrong. That said sometimes you just want some blueberries on top! I’m tracking with your logic though. Use the wrong generic blueberry syrup in a can and the bowl may as well be trash.


What about plain Janes with fruity tooties? All you have to do is wait for her to let her hair down and take off her glasses to see the smokin babe hiding inside.

A lot of the names of new stuff is silly to me. Reminds me of the vape nomenclature.

Same with vanilla Ice cream. Vanilla bean X Cream(cow bx3 x human?(ibl)) X [Sugar(sugar cane x squeezomatic F1)]



I really vibe with this thread, it would be like going to a bar and they only have maple syrup peanut butter whiskey and cauliflower zuchini gin. I’ve noticed that the “good” menus in my orbit are putting more of the classics on. Not totally ditching the hype or anything, but you can grab a bag of OG from the same guy with Mega Dark Zushi or whatever. Trainwreck, Blue Dream, Green Crack, Durban Poison all popped back up.

Personally I think every menu in America needs a great OG, a great Chemdog, and a great Sour. Bare minimum.


What about a weed flavored ice cream? Which flavor might you like to try?
Piney? Skunk? Diesel? Glues?
Lemons and berries sounds nice.
Not to come off as critical but haagendas is like middle tier ice cream from my experience.

I love rum raisin. chocolates, toffees, coffees.mmmmmm just like me buds

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Find something you like and stay with it for a while! There’s something zen about decluttering your mind from the bottomless stash of seeds and spending some time giving one strain some proper attention.


Ok, but hear me out: Haagen Dazs Belgian chocolate 50/50 Haagen Cookies & Cream, try it. (25 choc/75 c&c is also acceptable) I’m the type to buy 2 or 3 different flavors and mix them up in different ratios each time.

But on the weed side I am 100% with you. Isolating varieties down to their core parts can only help us put them back together in new, different and better ways.


BRING BACK SKUNK! everything is fruity now. I will be selling Make Weed Skunky Again stickers anyday lol


i’ve been to the bar with people who actually ordered maple syrup and peanutbutter whiskies. gross, right? didnt’ go as far as vegetable whiskies…,but they probably just didn’t know of any.




Same thing with craft beer (my intoxicant of choice for many years…I still drink but not nearly as much). When craft beer came on the scene in the 90s, most places made a pale ale, stout/porter/brown ale, maybe a blonde, and maybe some type of lager or even IPA. Now of course the selection of flavors is overwhelming at any liquor store if you don’t know exactly what you want. Hazy IPA is the Cookies of beer. I never liked the Hazies, but traditional “West Coast” IPA is still a favorite. However, I think I have palate fatigue to the point where they all kind of taste the same. So when I buy beer now, it’s cheap American light lager (Hamm’s is what I have right now), or a German import if I want to be fancy. A nice crisp Helles or Pils in summer is beer perfection :beers: just like a nice OG or what have you.


There’s a lot of novelty weed going around now. I blame instagram. The weed looks good but it doesn’t smoke like the classics. Honestly a lot of classic weed looks like shit , like the chems. But it smokes better than anything we have right now that’s being bred for appearance and yield. It’s not exactly a hot take, a lot of people agree with this sentiment but it took me a while of trial and error to prove it to myself. Honestly, the haze family is like that too. Soaring cerebral trippy high, ugly buds.


“It’s unfortunate that what we find pleasing to the eye and pleasing to the touch are rarely the same.”


When I used to drink beer my favorites were intense hoppy IPAs and dense sweet malty German bocks.

Interesting fun fact, most of what we consider beer is actually a product of wartime scarcity and how to make a palatable product with little resources.

American light beer is one of them. Hoegaarten is another but with a very different approach.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that, and there is a place for light beer (that place being beside the pool in the summertime), just a fun fact.

I used to be a beer nerd.


Yeah but if Maui Waui was Ice-cream, it would have Spam in it, lol. Aloha @cannabissequoia