Enhanced pathogen resistance

not sure if anyone is interested in this or not, but i just read this. pretty cool actually, but just a tad over my head in terms of reading. it may do someone some good.


I read the title of this article and realized “yup, over my head too” :rofl:

Haha :joy: me too something to do with auxins and the degradation. I wonder what sort of natural inputs improve auxin levels in the soil. I guess sprouted seed tea probably couldn’t hurt. I’m going to add a little light malt extract in with my feed today see how the babies like it. I have to be careful to not get the foliage because one time I made it compost tea with a little lme and I think it’s stressed some of the plants and the males started showing female parts.


Hey @shag . You may want to read this. :top:

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Reading through this paper now, overall it is describing a loss of function mutant in a model plant, arabidopsis. They are describing the turnover of one transcription factor, ARF7, in the autophagy process which is a cell recycling process in programmed cell death pathways. The turnover of this is part of a signaling pathway for root branching and by using mutants you can start to narrow down the effects of certain genes. Here with an auxin treatment they saw a slight decrease of AF7 in the cytoplasm which fits with the idea that auxins can induce autophagy which decreases the AF7 concentration as it gets recycled into specific pathways. They also note that its concentration oscillates kinda like the circadian rhythm. Here in lateral root formation and branching they claim that autophagy deficient mutants have decreased lateral root branching with auxin treatment due to the role of AF7.

So basically they are describing the role of a few transcription factors, hormonal interactions, and cell recycling processes which are involved in lateral root formation and root architecture. They also mention that auxins increase lateral root branching (that’s why they’re in all the rooting powders) while other hormones like ABA can reduce lateral root formation.

That’s all I pretty much got from that paper haha


I really like taking a fresh aloe vera leaf and blending its filet with water and immediately applying. There’s a bunch of auxins cytokinins and gibberellins that are good for increasing root growth in there