Environment here changed

I, for one, would think a statement like that would help towards making folks understand that you are a serious new member, and not one of ‘the seed-ho’ crowd we speak of. lol
Time will tell, is all I know. Actions speak louder than words, ya know?
Hi, and welcome to the best place online to learn about and discuss that magical flower…

edit… I’m sorry, I got ahead of myself there @wherethefriesat … you can also teach if you have useful knowledge! So let’s see them grows!


I cant wait to be able to bless with seeds =) I dont think anyone would want one if i tried to even clone at this point.
I will try my hardest to find other ways to contribute though you bet that bottom dollar. Only have 2 grows under my belt but i can tell you if it wasnt for members here i would have given up or got bad advice.
Thanks for all my OG Teachers, givers and preachers =)


A great woman once said “Just Say No!”



That’s ‘slang’ for yes, right? Ask any chauvinist… :crazy_face:You DO know I’m kidding, right ladies?


I am not a long time member but I appreciate and accept your gesture. One thing we do here is check profiles, it’s like the curriculum vitae of members, so it will be easy to see if you’re sincere on what you say.

If this thread has opened someone eyes and provoqued a change of attitude every single word on it is worth. I would change the avatar so not to be recognized frech|nullxnull, just kidding, hope you’ll enjoy your stay with us … beer3|nullxnull


I always say “If your gonna dig a hole, use a big shovel” Johnny.
Sling that shovel bro! That hole ain’t big enough yet!


And thats why I cant post a grow journal,I’m an outlaw!


But you do engage in the community @Jango . There you go. Good by me.


Thankyou my friend, you and many more like you on this site are truly awesome people, and make this the great site it is.
Bless you all💚


490 posts in and I’m still trying to figure out which old members are bitching about not receiving free seeds because of new members that @HaRdRoC is referring to? I surely must have missed that in the last 500 posts, cuz I didn’t read anything like that. Mostly what ive gotten from this novel is that people aren’t comfortable with the riff raff that flock to giveaways that don’t offer jack shit to the site in the form of knowledge, comraderie, learning, grow logs, advice or any form of cannabis related wisdom besides the onslaught of gimme gimme gimme. And the older members saying that the onslaught of threads asking for money from members is a slippery slope as it always comes back eventually to bite members and og in the ass and opens og up to lots of scammers and crooks with an angle. I just witnessed 150 members get taken for 10 grand. Where there is one successful scam more will follow. Meaning if one person figured out a chink in the armor then other’s will too. Personally I don’t want to witness that again and think in the end it makes it look worse when the only 3 people who benefited from that scam were the breeder (by no fault of his), the scammer and the server fund. Most of us realize that the site itself had nothing to do with it, but there is always that one guy who will blame og and start spreading ill will and rallying others on a big bitch and hate fest claiming it was ogs fault. We’ve already seen it happen on a failed coop box and people demanding that og do something about it and insisting that it wasn’t a strictly member driven endeavour. Some of you may remember that shitshow, as a matter of fact I’ve seen a recent post about it a year or more later with the same conspiracy theory.

The older and longer time members as far as I can tell are more concerned with legal implications of monetary exchanges and the man coming in to try and take everyone down cuz they aren’t getting their cut and the failed monetary endeavors (meaning thieves) sullying the reputation and culture of the site. Not to mention the big part… we don’t want our members getting ripped off.

Can’t say I’ve read one post about someone pissed that they couldn’t get a free seed.


Honestly I’m done trying to explain and defend myself, Don’t like me, or what I say or do…? Hit the fucking ignore button


I’m in on the group buy-

Tried to stay positive, until I wasn’t…

I had a short circuit temper tantrum. Even made off the charts comments to the evil moderators.

They cleaned up my mess and put me on pause.

But I’m still here?

Maybe they aren’t so evil after all…

I’m a legacy grower, original member who had to get out of it.

My state legalized last year, and I started researching US based breeders, and decided to try Cult Classics. I ordered a few packs, and got several free packs. He sent the freebies to make up for one of the strains I ordered was out of stock. I thought that was cool of him and made another order.

Then, I found OG

I was excited to join again and see who was in here.

First thing I got was warnings not to ask for free seeds-

Well, I’ve got enough gear from Marcus to keep me busy for years…

After the warnings not to ask for seeds, I got advice to grow some genetics from OG :grinning:

I’ll be around until they run me off-

Or, cart me off…


I call that the “kid in the candy store mania”
Asking for seeds in their very first post!

Maybe it was IG but I seem to remember something in the Community Guidelines eschewing this.

31 posts were merged into an existing topic: What do stoners eat? :fork_and_knife:

Dibs on the recipe!


And sometimes straight up calling someone out for this BS may be warranted, anyone who participates in this conversation likely isn’t the problem. Everyone who is doing self reflection, you are making this community better, we all are. :blush::+1:


So how does the free seeds thread get off topic and end up as bs-ing?

Friendly people, and good weed. Common interests such as munchies helps.



It looks like everyone has calmed down, it might be safe to come out of the bunker now…


Sorry to get off topic here but let me get back to the OverGrow mission. If you are one of those folks who missed out on the Paonia Purple Paralyzer seed run due to the fall box going missing I have good news, at this point I have made enough seeds to cover your initial sign up. Check out the original thread or my grow diary for info. Your initial sign up will be moved to my thread and honored. Check it out if you still have interest as this small void will now be filled. Have a great evening all.