Environment here changed

Ive got some if you want some :wink:


The problem I see with that, is the free seed thread is like the water cooler of the site. If you donā€™t look there, you miss out of so much useful content. You can look at my history - Iā€™ve only been here a short time, but Iā€™m here to learn and share. I have read SO many threads on OG, but the free seed thread is the most active.


otoh if someone gave you 46 likes and reads your whole thread then asks politely if you still have any of those to share you ought to just say yes or no and move on.

if you offered in the thread


It should not beā€¦ We should probably moderate it ā€¦

Forum is focused on more long-term archiving-worthy content.

As a new user would you like to read few thousand posts long topic searching for particular information? Of course notā€¦ There is no informational value in that kind of discussion (where subjects are mixed). It should be happening in Discord Chat.


Been going over this for a couple weeks now.

The Free seeds thread isnā€™t the problem at all. It is up to whoever giving out seeds to give them out to whoever they want. Not the forum.

I think the issue lies in the TL system, and its not the free seeds i donā€™t like, its the user self-monetization that I donā€™t agree with. Getting everyone to literally buy them a pack of seeds and put on faith that they might actually be ran and more seeds made. Its the 'my grandma broke her leg auction every week. Thatā€™s whatā€™s drawing the unwanted users to flock to the forum.

Once theyā€™re here, they can game the TL system by sitting in the community categories and build rep for each other. Then they can sign-up for anything, while having generated no real content for the forum or its users.

My suggestion was limit the TL requirements to the grow related sections of the forum. Gotta read 200 post per day? cool, you have to do it in basic grow info down to breeders lab, and maybe the international chat. If you sit in the smokers lounge or trading post all day, you shouldnā€™t ever get to TL2.


I can see @Chronickyle point I also like my Cana life private and always away from my reality but like @Syn said even my state is legal now although we still canā€™t grow legally as of yet !

But newbies should start a grow and stick around a bit just not grab and go in some cases rape and pillage !


This is the same growing issues the the old site had. Was cool when it was small and dealt with limited rif-raf. As it grew more drama.

But I think seed ops should be for contributing members. Not done one myself but Iā€™m sure people are thrilled to read grow reports from their coop on here. Let those who want to offer beans to new growers do their thing but tighten up on the open coops.

Edit: Maybe donā€™t offer up seeds in the public forum if you donā€™t want to deal with the rif-raf. They come in groves on the hint of something free or almost free.


seed moochers are everywhere man, gotta get used to it - have a thick skin - I just went to my friendā€™s memorial service yesterday and was beset by seed mooches after the ceremony, no kidding!

If you open a bag of chips at the beach the seagulls will harass you but you donā€™t stop going to the beach right?


Iā€™ve got about 10 thousand hemp seeds I could send in for distribution for the hoarders . Once they grew it I doubt theyā€™d be begging for more !


:100: agree. If I have contributed to making you long time members want to leave I sincerely apologize.

I admit I have asked some for seeds, I do try to be sure I have something to offer In return for the most part but perhaps not always.

So far Iā€™ve only had the one grow journal but thatā€™s mainly because I donā€™t feel my grows are up to par here and am rather embarrassed to post, Iā€™ll make more of an effort from here on out,

As far as seed runs are concerned, I have signed up for many, not just for the seeds themselves though but more for the knowledge taken from reading and participating in the grow threads.

Anyways, long story short, as a newer member, if I have made anyone feel as if I am only here for the handouts and not to be a part of the community, please accept my humble apology and my promise to try to be a better member going forward



If you have a grow journal here, youā€™re not part of the problem :wink:


This thread is not a witch hunt, you signed up for for seeds being offered in co ops and freebies. Nothing wrong in that, you have a grow journal, no need to be embarrassed if its not perfect, we have all been there, I am still there lol.

You havenā€™t broken any rules so donā€™t feel guilty about it.


So wait,

signing up and donating to help pay for these seed runs is a BAD thing?

Am I reading that correctly?

1 Like

I agree with all of the points that @Chronickyle made in his first post, and additionally I also think that the free seeds thread has also become an opportunity for some breeders to market themselves to the overgrow community by creating interest in their chucks by making their strains available for free seed giveaways, while also assigning a high dollar value to their pack of polyhybrid chucks and creating a feeding frenzy type of atmosphere in the giveaway where only a few people get packs on any given strain creates a new interest and sense of scarcity, and I am sure that those breeders who have actively given away many seeds here have also reaped their reward monetarily in free advertising and exposure, so it is not all about generosity it is also self-serving, and in the process the site takes a hit as far as quality of content.

I think that posts in certain threads or subforums here should not count towards a users post count or rep, and people should not be able to give likes in those threads either.


The seed mooching doesnā€™t bother me. What usually happens is someone swoops in, gets a bunch of free seeds and fades into the shadows. The true OGs will stay. If 1 of every 1000 seeds I give away gets grown and enjoyed I am making OG a better place.

I think the best course if action would be to prohibit any monetary transactions (even shipping) unless you are a site sponsor. This doesnā€™t prevent anyone from giving away seeds or trading. If you wanted to do a group buy or co-op a pack of rare seeds, you would have to become an OG sponsor. That should provide us with some assurance that the user wonā€™t bail.


All of these are reasons I feel how I do and I think Iā€™m not the only one.

There is a reason for that, so the last 7 days is not that valid unless it doesnā€™t blow up come Monday.

This sums it up for me. I am not a big social media person at all and found this place to be a great home. Iā€™ve looked at the discord mentioned above and I canā€™t make anything of it, so itā€™s not the answer for me at all.
Yes I carry the paranoia from days gone by and my whole spidey senses are on overload.

For the last while since this started going sideways and I log in to be hundreds of posts behind and canā€™t even find the threads I want I just feel like itā€™s a whole new ball game here. Iā€™ve never had that problem here before

If a member that you (OG) deem to be worthy or an asset to the community asks something of the mods or tries to flag something the worst thing that can be done is to ignore them or not do anything for days. If a company gets a customer complaint and takes there time to address it or tell the customer that they are wrong then that company will perish over time.

I just changed my title back to Regular because Iā€™m not sure if Supporter really reflects how I feel.
Maybe the title Lost or Sad would be more appropriate right now.


Thatā€™s the only part I disagree with. Of course one will occasionally go sideways, but I think thatā€™s part of what makes it great here, the amount of trust we put in eachother to not just disappear with a pack when itā€™s group funded and the dispersion of seeds from it.

Otherwise, I agree with what your saying. I think tl3 needs to be a bit harder to get.

i really like that idea!!


I donā€™t think our users make enough usage or place enough value on the feedback category. It is not out front by default afaik

Oddly I have given away seeds and traded yet no one ever gave me any feedback :wink: While Hugh_Glass has wonderful feedback and afaik never gave anything of his own away?


Iā€™ve noticed that too. You have to specifically search for feedback threads. Maybe tag it to profiles?


I get that, but the part you agreed with Reiko on, no money exchanged between members, is the same thing I was implying with my statement :wink: :yum: the self monetization. Remove the money from the forum.