European Used Equipment Trade


Right, I know for a fact that because of constant upgrades, changing grow styles, giving up the hobby and what not… we end up putting aside a lot of equipment.
And between us all there is a huge inventory of equipment and consumables just gathering dust in many dark corners.
Because of that I thought I’d start this thread.
Let’s declutter and re-home all that preloved stuff that could very well be someone else’s treasure.

I have seen that there is already a thread for used equipment but seen as most items posted are in the US I thought we could do with one just for Europe.

Happy trading!


Other trading topics:


I’ve got a GN Telos 0008 (retail at £420 new) will take £150 plus postage. I really wanna build a bridgelux EB gen2 strip light.

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Great idea, but soon we will have to create a UK-only used equipment trade or have to pay duties and fill lots of customs formularies …


Lmao. If you want it George theres a 50 quid pro EU tariff on it R kid :joy:


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I also want to build a light fixture with bridgelux strips.
I’ve actually been meaning to ask you for help on that because I’m useless at DIY and while researching lighting your name came up a few times as someone to go to for advice on the subject.
So I’m glad you just opened that door for me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Anytime brother. I got my knowledge so far on the EB strips courtesy of @Mr.Sparkle thread. And bang for buck it actually stacks up this side of the pond too. But drop me a PM with sizing and stuff and we will work some shit out :sunglasses: I’ve built and used a fair few lights now. Not an expert but I’ve got a decent grasp :joy:


Get him to build it. Much easier trust me :rofl:

Says he’s not an expert but I’ve had couple sets of lights off him and problems only occur when I start messing with them then I run to @anon58740919 askin him to forgive me but I’ve another question :wink:


I’ll always forgive you @explorer bro you only fuck about cos you wanna learn. And you do… eventually :joy:


GN Telos sold to @Belch pleasure mate. Be out Friday I’ll send tracking details.

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Thanks look forward to thE delivery

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Let’s revive this thread.

I have a 400W HPS lamp+ Magnetic Ballast and cool tube, only used on one run and all working fine.

If anyone interested, PM me.