To start this off, a pack of seeds from Rainbow House.
They don’t get much attention, but they do good work. One of them has a degree in botany, and they seem to really know their stuff. I’ve grown their Forest Dweller and it is top notch.
Seems they don’t sell this one anymore, but I remember buying this when I couldn’t get my hands on Bodhis Lemon Hashplant. So… maybe I thought these would be similar?
I was just going through my big cigar box of seeds, and finding so many I’ll never get around to growing, cause my next 2 years of grows are already planned out…
So time to give away some that will be better off in someone’s hands who might grow them out!
Well, just for this winter, I’m planning another Azad Kashmir community seed run, with a clean batch of seeds I got. That will start next month.
Then there will be another round of breeding of the MSxLRUV autoflowers.
I also want to try and sneak in a run of Soma Lavender seeds I’ve got.
And that will bring me to early spring, and I try not to have indoor flowering plants in the summer. It’s just too humid.
I don’t remember the parents of these. Rainbow House seems to use gelato in a lot of their crosses. But some they don’t mention the parents at all (like Forest Dweller)
There were rumors that the first batch of seeds that hit our community came from someone whose room was infected with HPLV virus.
And that virus is rumored to also pass through seeds.
I was one of the growers who received that first batch, and did one of the community seed runs…
Again, it’s lots of rumors and I don’t think anyone knows for sure … but it’s not worth risking spreading the virus.
So I stopped distributing those, and advised everyone to throw them out if they came from me.
But it is a really special plant that more folks need to experience.