Flushing before harvest? A Controlled Study

Here’s a nicely designed study looking at the outcome of various pre-harvest pure-water flushing regimes.

The experimental design is impressive and it appears to be rigorously implemented. The results are clearly presented and, at least to me, fairly compelling.

SPOILER ALERT: Not much benefit to pre-harvest flushing.

No doubt the controversy will continue but this is a nice milestone along the way. A hat tip to @Franklin on GWE for the reference.


In a first of its kind study, Rx Green Technologies evaluated the effects of flushing period on yield, potency, terpenes, mineral content, and taste characteristics of Cannabis flower. Overall, the length of the flushing period did not impact yield, potency, terpenes, or taste characteristics of Cannabis flower. Taste test results indicated a trend toward improved flavor and smoke quality with the zero-day flush. While there were no significant differences in nutrient content, there was a trend toward increased iron and zinc in flower flushed for 14 days. The results of this trial indicate that there is no benefit to flushing Cannabis flower for improved taste or consumer experience.


A post was merged into an existing topic: To flush or not to flush, that is the question (Poll)