Flushing DWC

Hey just wanted to get some input from people that grow in dwc. How long are yall flushing for before harvest? I was thinking about 10 days maybe 7? I know you dont have to flush for as long as you would in soil and was just curious how long other folks are flushing for

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Only run once DWC and flushed less days. In soil there are always some leftovers after flushing, in DWC just pHed water so only leaves as nutrient income. I don’t know if you have already trimmed or there are still big fans to supply food, once started there’s no way back so just fewer days for me … :sunglasses:


Yeah I was considering maybe going 5 days or something because I’ve already trimmed. I mean there are almost no leaves

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I was told not to flush and instead giving just one third or so of the nutes, I am experimenting with it right now. This way I can manage how many days are needed before chopping her as she doesn’t end with her nutrients stock so fast.


I used back in the day, and I started up again using envy a envy b and I never flushed, never seen the need to. No after taste, in the last 2 weeks the plant really grows the most, it needs something to feed on that doesn’t need flushed


flushing is bunk. some strains want less food toward the end of their cycle but stopping nutes altogether is almost never called for


Thanks I’ll give it a read

Wow that was a great read. Interesting :thinking:

I’d like to see this experiment replicated outside their company!

I have to agree that flushing is bunk. I’ve been growing DWC since 2001 and have never flushed.