Found some old stuff i kept from og back in '04

i was looking through an old backup for some pics and found some crap i saved from the original og site from '02 - '04. i saved some full web pages too but can’t upload them. i’ll put them in a zip file and host them on my website and put a download link here. some of it is just some random crap and i even found a couple of documents that are just links to where the stuff was. should’ve save the entire site as a practice. only reason i didn’t was storage was expensive back then. anyway, enjoy.

basic-growing.pdf (104.3 KB)
drying.pdf (113.8 KB)
plants.pdf (1.0 MB)
smoke-report.pdf (92.2 KB)
vent-temps.pdf (179.5 KB)


Appreciate you taking the time to send that.



you’re welcome.

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