Free complete grow tent setup - the catch?

And you’ve got to pick it up from me, sorry.

I’ve accumulated too much stuff and would love to help someone out if it works.
I have a second home in far northern. If you can get reasonably close to me, I’d love to share my excess.

I’ve got A tent setup that I bought for my vegetables, but I can’t keep the damn animals out of them so I’m not going to fight it this year.

3x3x6 tent. I used it last spring only.perfect shape
240w quantum board, dimmable. Its older, 3500k from Kingbrite
4" inline exhaust fan
I also have an older AC Infinity controller you can have (not BT or wifi) and probably a clip on fan for inside the tent.

Its all free, I just want to give back. hit me up. You don’t have to pick it up quick either as I’m not there full time anyway. Hope we can make it work, I ask nothing in return.


Super cool of you bud.


I’ve come to the realization I’m not going to live forever and when the time comes my wife will say “what’s that crap?” and just throw it away. Hopefully I can beat that series of events :grin:


if you don’t mind i’d like it. i had a tent that was given to me, i loaned it to a friend, then got it back and gave it to another friend who is using it now. i was gonna build another wooden cabinet but wood is crazy expensive now. i suppose someone may be telling me it’s time to start again…


Send me a pm and we’ll figure it out!!!

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“Dibs” have been called and I’m working out the deets with @sfzombie13. If something changes I’ll bump this back to the top. Thx all!


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