Free Fog Dog. Fem Autos. 3 seeds per person giveaway CLOSED

You can text him or do a search on here. I’m gonna talk to him about photos and create a topic with pictures of his strains. Please give me a couple days


Hell yeah man that sounds cool!

I’m interested in seeing it !

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Thanks! I’m glad @GCBudz asked for some pics. A lot of people want to see his work. I’ll see what I can dig up. Maybe start a gallery…

I know the fast buds he does a lot of right ?

I have a pack of monster ghost fast buds and would love to see an outcome of them !

Yes sir! He’s got several fast finishers. He does a lot of back crossing and he is very good at picking and choosing good phenos for his crosses. Give me a couple of days, and I’ll gather some pics

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Don’t stress it brother I know you’ll get it done and you eat off a big plate for this community

“Plates full”

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Dropped those 5 fogdawg this evening @corey ! Thanks a bunch man! I’m excited for a chance at those blueberry ghost, and stoked to see marks work summarized here. He should be on here. 🤷


Sometimes big dogs have to stray from the pack :crazy_face:

Piss in other places mark territory however you want to put it lol


Lol. Yeah. But this is the place to be. Just do a Google search for any cannabis questions, and you’ll find links to OG near the top for nearly all of them.

I’m glad there’s other sites to go, but Everytime I’ve tried one out it doesn’t feel like home to me like OG. :green_heart::seedling:


"It’s not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy.”

Yeah I deff agree with that statement!

I moved out of an apartment a while ago visits every once in a blue moon .

but not complaining one bit with the choice I have made to call home !


Seeds arrived safely today, thanks for everything @corey

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Awesome buddy! Please post some pics as they grow. Tag me so I know where your at. A lot of people are popping these seeds… makes me very happy. I think these autos are gonna be good!! @Stevie1durr thank you for the heads up! @Rabeats2093 lol “pissing on territories” lol!


Marking the spot bud :sweat_smile:


I’m excited to get to the point of trying to mitigate the stink. :wink:. Love those foul smelling plants.

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I was told they really put out some serious stink. Something like: “had a few in the car, and it smelled like 10 lbs” coming from the man that’s pretty good

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I’m just sitting here smiling. :yum::grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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1st… just saying.:wink:


About to say, I don’t see it. But there she is. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::+1:


I was a few days late from another ty card delima lol. Sorry about that people. Your seeds are coming.

Next Giveaway will be next week. It will be Subcool Strawberry Diesel x Space Dude. Seeds have been donated by @Eagles009. @Astrodude has provided stamps, and cards so these awesome seeds can get to you.
Huge thanks to @Eagles009 and @Astrodude!!