Free Purple Headband **CLOSED**

You rock corey!


looking through the wiki edits I donā€™t see where your name was ever on this list @Rhino_buddy , maybe you didnt hit save, or someone else was editing at the same time


Thatā€™s what I meant. I was editing it but got beat. :wink:

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if you wanna split that 10 pack with me I am good with 5 seeds


Mine too! Love this community and thank you guys for this :sun_with_face:

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I :heart: you @monkeyman!

Only if youā€™re feeling generous.


@Rhino_buddy hey thatā€™s what this is all about, just paying it forward - either i can ship them to you when I get them or @corey can ship them to you - either way works for me.


Either way. What ever is easiest. Iā€™m not trying gum things up. :lollipop:

If itā€™s quicker to get from @corey, letā€™s do that. Iā€™m ready to get them going so theyā€™ll be nice sized when it s time to go outside. :seedling::evergreen_tree::+1:

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Man this was a bigger giveaway, I missed the morning party!
Itā€™s ok, I just got the Blueberrys from you lol


Does Mark have purple headband now? I will need to get me some of that. Congrats to all the winners :smiley:

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Be mindful, that if you put a plant that is mature enough out in spring, it will start to flower, then have to reveg as the days get longer. Which is fine, just be prepared For that to happen. Starting them about 2 weeks before going out should be fine, or grow them big and put them out in or after the summer solstice to start blooming.


I havenā€™t found that to be true - I generally put teenagers that are pretty good-sized out in the spring. I start them around now and then put them outside when it is warm enough and have never had that happen to me. I can see that happening with autos but donā€™t see any reason why that should happen with regular photoperiod plants - some people keep mothers alive for years.

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msg @corey with your safe address and he will get them out to you directly

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Yes! I wanna put them out big. Canā€™t wait for the solstice. Over halfway there!

Oh, Iā€™ve read since the daylight is still less than 14hrs itā€™ll start to bloom. Someone on here said they put a plant out, it bloomed and they harvested just as it was re vegging, then harvested again in the fall.

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After March 20th the days get progressively longer, so it should be safe by April Fools day, the plants are smarter than we are. Strains like Flo allow you to do several harvests, so maybe it is strain-specific.


@monkeyman That Flo effect is so strange and interesting, creeping up on you, and it creeps like a vine haha. Flo was totally different from all the other strains i tried in Coloradoā€¦and I still think about it. Expensive seeds though

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Maybe I should plant one out on my bday on 4-20, if itā€™s thawed and past last frost by then lol.