Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 10)

What do you have to do??

Also, why this is only a spectator sport for me right now. :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™m new at this and my seed stash is itty bitty. :rofl:

Only middleman. Cannapeace did not follow directions so the 2nd beans went to bobgrows

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Well @CADMAN is sending only to US and Canada I believe so if youā€™re not in those countires its a spectator sport only :laughing:


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Also not sure if @oleskool830 withdrew his offer of sending beans to gpas

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Iā€™m in Canada. :v:t2:


All 8 of you are in the drawing.
Winner selected via random number generator.
Your number is based on the order it appeared in the thread.


Iā€™m in :us: woohoo

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Then pretty sure you can particpate then

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Canā€™t get in??

I would like to say dibs not sure how this is working my old brain is addled

The allowed time was up. Sorry. Next time.

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What are you Dibs for?
Fog Dog?

All good no worries

And the winner is ?

@oleskool830 is the winner :trophy: PM me plz.


Yes Fog Dog would be super

Yay! Congratulations @oleskool830 !

Fun event @CADMAN ! You rock!


Last one of the night. Are ya ready?

Go Donate $1.00 or more to with proof via Screenshot, blank out all personal info, I just need to see your screen name & todayā€™s dateā€¦

All people who do this will be put into a draw, Winner is selected via Random # generatedā€¦

Your # will be the order in which you posted. :wink:

Cut off time is 10pm tonight to have your proof posted hereā€¦ GOā€¦


Ty :+1::ok_hand::pray::call_me_hand:

@keene I have an extra with your name on it.
Send DM :green_heart::v:
That is if youā€™re in U.S.