Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 10)



By this point I think most of the guys realised that whatever misunderstanding happens with you it happens because of language barrierā€¦
We know your heart is in the right place brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Iā€™m jealous :sleepy:
J/k not really
Iā€™m very jealous :tired_face:


I write in all caps and itā€™s still illegible :joy: I like ā€˜Stilky Dangerā€™ tho.


And the final eagle has landed :sunglasses::man_dancing:. @Mithridate

Thanks to all you guys who have reached out and selflessly offered supported in my sour bubble journey. Thank you @Mithridate , @buckaroobonsai , and @pine .Iā€™m truly grateful :bowing_man:ā€ā™‚! Without you guys I would be struggling to believe I could bring back the old sour bubble.

And I will have your beans out on Monday my guy :wink::beers:.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: ive thrown out more than a few flips cause Iā€™m like ā€œtha fuck did I just write!?ā€ They are in my guess what mother fucker pile :laughing::rofl::rofl:


This is where all the people who send seeds go or I wouldnā€™t post here.

Whatā€™s the best way to make sure some beans get to an OGer in Portugal? Iā€™ve only sent here in the us and Canada. Is it the same as sending to Canada? You can pm me your answer to keep us from getting in trouble here. Thanks in advance!


Coin flips and washers make it anywhere, just had three flips make it down under.


I agree coin flip washer in a normal card should almost make it into any country .


Good to know, I have a thank you card for the Netherlands.


Iā€™ve had coin lips make it all over the world in a card, but Iā€™ve also had the same thing NOT make it lol Itā€™s just a crapshoot, so donā€™t put any real info in or on, Iā€™d say.


I would like for someone to send me some beans from the Netherlands.
I hear the Dutch have awesome genetics.


Sending seeds to the Netherlands is kinda like sending pot to California lol


Hey guys how you doing?

Some years ago i went to visit some friends in South Africa, I was there for a couple weeks, didnā€™t score weed, i had access some weird rotten taste there but i didnā€™t want to smoke that. Also itā€™s nice to make a tolerance breakdown. :smiley:
Well the thing is, while in Cape Town i went to an street market and a rasta guy was selling wood pipes and bongs, handcrafted stuff etcā€¦ He offered me some daggaā€¦ I told him no thank you, but i asked him for seeds instead. I just told him, Iā€™m looking for stuff like swazi, durban, malawiā€¦ african weed.
He told me to wait him and i was there for 10 minutes till he came and gave me like +150 seeds for 100 rans lol. He was like: There you have, the cheese, the skunk, lemon haze blablabla
I was like what the fuck but well okey, not gonna argue about it i was sure this was gonna happen. Well the bag contains lots of differents shape, colour and size weed seeds. So there should be everything from modern hybrids, swazi stuff, hybrids grown in swazi, dutch stuff, lot of dutch stuff for sureā€¦

But who knows, its a fucking mystery bag so maybe we can find something interesting and tasty, or at least fun to grow.

So Iā€™m offering some packs from those seeds for free for those who want to grow some and show us some pictures as I would like to see them and know whats coming from there, if you are interested in growing some or you cant buy or get seeds at the moment i would send you some happily. :smiley:

Only thing Iā€™ll ask for it is: you want them, pop 'em. I can store them in my fridge for long term aswell :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I am sure I will have room to grow some after my current run, or along side of it. I would love to give it a go.

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Hey man, for sure, it would be amazing. I will deeply check out your diary later but what iā€™ve seen really likes me. I cant give more likes today, forgive me haha ! Iā€™ll write you a message. I forget to say im in Europe but no problem on sending them out.


This is a nice opportunity, am interested in seeing what may come from them, sure!

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Thanks a ton @DougDawson !!


If you have any spare Iā€™d love to have some.Someone was supposed to send me some Swazi gold but it never showed up.Iā€™ve been trying to locate some African beans for quite some time

Fantastic @DonGnosis , glad they made it. Should be around 20 in there so lots to grow or share :slight_smile:

Have you looked at the Lemints?

Lemint - (Haze x African Haze) x Afritiva (Durban x Malawi x Swazi x Rooibaard) x Haze).

Lemints is a 4th generation IBL of Haze sourced in Cape Town during the mid 90s x African Haze x Heirloom Afritiva (Durban Poison x Malawi Gold x Swazi Gold x Transkei Red) back-crossed to the Haze.