Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 10)

So generous of you @CADMAN i really appreciate it…and @chronix :grinning::grinning:

Your so dam awesome :ok_hand:

PM Chronix dude.

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I can only hope this example is something the rest of the world picks up.

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My online HOME for life!


Okay…1 more for tonight.
Lets go with a 5 pack of Paralyzed Monster. (Frankenstein x PPP)
I will take a dab and try to think of a question…

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What are you dabbing?

I know the question was not for me. But I am dabbing on some 2:1 CBD:THC rosin mix I have here, sipping it out of a hash pipe heated with a glass rod heh.


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Since I wasn’t specific, everyone can answer

I dabbed some Pink Kush x Purple Banner shatter. :crazy_face:

For the next question…what did @DougDawson last have to drink?
@DougDawson can only answer that. So, he will have to report back who wins. :rofl:

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Scotch neat

Water… Lol

I’m the kinda person who joins conversations without invitation hahaha

It’s not " a dabber " of typical means …

THC Diamonds :gem: in Dynavap + Consontrate Screen with Mico bong…

four roses bourbon

Alcohol :cocktail: :wine_glass:

It’s amusing to see this

I hope Doug comes back to declare the winner. :rofl:

Nice! I have never used my Dynavap like that before, have not even used it in a long time. I do have a silicone adapter to use it with a bong though heh.

You guys are smoking some high end stuff , just a too tightly rolled joint of road trip here.

Gotta map? Gas & some snacks :yum:
I used to love road trips.

Ohhhh. I miss-read. Cancel :disappointed:

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