Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 11)

Good one! I would have to look that one up.

67 Inches Short

75.6", oh wait, that’s me :thinking: Going with it anyway :slight_smile:

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69 inches sir

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71" inches

66 inches tall

74 inches qqqe

Just trying to see If I can make everyone replying type faster again!

66 incheroonies?

This was interesting think ill have to give it to @DougDawson.
I used to be 76" but lost a little to back surgeries/etc… 75.6" is prob right on the money hahaha


Damn, good for you! If you’re in the us, I’ll send you a pack of mixed blackstrap auto fems for being so awesome :grin:


Copycat :cat2: lmao


I thought we could split them!

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2 and a half seeds each!


2.5 each perfect split

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Very generous of you! :+1: :wink:

Those half seeds were probably harboring twins!

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And let the stoner logic commence :rofl:

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Have to thank @lambchopedd for setting me up for these seeds. I am not sure why but I have not really been able to get stoned like back in the day with the current strains I have tried. It might be the medication I am on now interfering with the weed, when I saw that @lambchopedd had some Acapulco Gold I thought I had to try it to see if it was the current day genetics that was not doing it for me or if it was my medications. So when I checked my mailbox and found this package today I was pretty excited and know what I will be popping next. I have the PCK I am running and the next generation of my CBD chuck, I think I can make room for a couple of AG.


Sounds logical @CanuckistanPete

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