Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 11)

42 be my guess

22 is the one

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Keep guessing

For me 20 please :wink:

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29 10 char

33 for the win

64? Lol :joy: is this a number you already have in your head or using a random number generator?

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Hubby picked the #
Trying the easy way… lol

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So far everyone I’ve shared jinglepots blueberry with said “Holy fuck” when busting it up. Its smooth tasty smells good and has a fair powered kick. Grew easy too


32? I’m guessing again? Lol


Is it im sure

Keep guessing… lol

Was that said?

3 is my favorite number so

50 maybe? MORE WORDS

23 is possible

51 maybe???

7 and I’m out of likes :triumph:

number 2 maybe

37 is afavorite