Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 12)

Hi @hollyho, beans landed and I’ll drop some in dirt tonight.


@hollyho Got my letter today as well! I have been killing off plants in my veg room to make room for these and others I have dedicated to pop heh.


Kudos brother, kudos. Folks, there is a lot of time and effort right there. Sure hope the love is appreciated. We love ya, brother.


Right back at you brother.


Anyone have some feminized autoflower pollen sitting around? Not looking to dust an entire plant, but maybe a branch or three. I’ve got this really neat Blackstrap S1 auto from @hollyho in a 1 gallon pot, and she’s just now showing her first pistils at day 55. Yep, day 55, in a 1 gallon pot. Crazy, right? She’s been topped once, and since then her branches have exploded.

So I wanna see if I can score some fem auto pollen to make a few seeds and see if we can improve upon Blackstraps flavor profile a little bit. I’m willing to do an equal split of the resulting seeds with the pollen donor, if they want them. I’m not looking for anything specific, as long as the pollen came from a reversed autoflower.

Hopefully this is the appropriate spot for this request. My apologies if it isn’t, mods.


@hollyho seeds are in soil, I’ll keep a log of these in my grow & show.

We’ll take them all the way to the finish line.


Yeah I do. But I’m afraid were in different countries. I just dusted a fem incredible bulk auto with gorilla auto pollen


I like to sift about two teaspoon’s worth of my Happy Frog soil to make sure there is no obstructions in the way of the sprout. I plant the germinated seed in a pocket of the sifted soil. It’s worked well for me that way.


I have never had any issue with seeds pushing through stuff to get to the light but there is a valid reason that seed starting soil is finely sifted and has no chunks or debris. Sadly, a lot of cannabis has been pampered so long it has lost its vigor and can no longer propagate correctly without human assistance. I wouldn’t worry about the weakling that cant push through the soil, they will most likely be floppy when flowered out. I would stick with the more robust seed stock that can push through the soil on its own.


Bless up @hollyho they clocked up some frequent flyer points but they finally touched down safe and sound. Also I like your penmanship, ever tried your hand at graffiti?

Thanks mate


The card part wasn’t written by me. I made a cricut do it :joy:

I’m glad they made it. Finally! Wonder what took so long. About a month if I’m remembering correctly? That’s crazy.

Have fun growing them :grin:


That was me Thursday night after the wcb phone call lol.


I guess that’s well thought out and probably very true. It’s most likely a holdover from when I had to scratch around to find $ for seeds. I had some that tried to push up and out but just petered out and died. Back then loosing even one seed was a kick in the teeth for poor folk like I am.
Of course now that’s not a factor. I can afford to have a few not pop. My friends have me rather well stocked up in that respect.


i think this technique is a great alternative if i didn’t have or want to buy any vermiculite or similar. and this way you don’t have to sift through as much soil to create a favorable environment for your seedling, just enough to cover your planted seedling.

you may be totally right on this herojuana.tom. but for now i want to be egotistical and tell mother nature, NO, it will be me that decides whether this plant is too weak or not (at least in this first part of their life). using either vermiculite or sifting that little bit of soil is not a big task for me and i think it will help all the seedlings to sprout. i want to at least get to see what the seedling is capable of before culling.

i definitely have plenty of seeds, and overgrow is a generous resource, but not everyone will have plenty of seeds available to them.


If they are a member here they should have plenty :crazy_face:


Thanks @Mithridate, really appreciate your kindness.

Karma+ to you and your garden.


@Mithridate I love how you’re including the male/female count to make the seeds :smiley: :+1:


Another good idea


@mospri my gardener says thanks :blush: :grin:

@Pigeonman Thanks, I started doing it after seeing another member here do it, I think it was jinglepot… loved the idea too !


For me it was @lambchopedd 's Acapulco Gold Reproduction. I was fascinated to see the ratio of males to females listed so you know how variable the genes can be. So far I’ve only ever 1 male and “x” females but next round it’s all males and all fems unless the plant itself isn’t worth “letting make the fuck”.