Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 14)

This drawing is for a pack of: Garland f2

Garland = Golden Goat x Scott’s OG

made by @vernal
For some nice pictures of the f1s visit @Weedison thread he has on here

Drawing will close tomorrow Dec 24 8pm EST
sorry, open to U.S.A. only

Please take care to not overwrite other entries.
When you try to save, if it throws an error, cancel your edit and try again.

  1. @Oldjoints
  2. @Tao
  3. @RatsboggleBiological
  4. @Weednerd.Anthony :us:
  5. @unomas :us:
  6. @Thats_bank
  7. @Murciano207 :us_outlying_islands:
  8. @jamMAKEcan :us:
  9. @Tripl3fastaction
  10. @BRMTreefarmer :us:
  11. @Hapi :us:
  12. @DrGonzo13
  13. @420noob :us:
  14. @Keene :us:
  15. @MyLittleGrundle :us:
  16. @Varuna
  17. @Groenevingers
  18. @Tracker
  19. @503BudMan
  20. @Gonzo
  21. @tresbundles
  22. @Habibi
  23. @ShiskaberrySavior
  24. @Habitt
  25. @natea
  26. @Big_Yeloe
  27. @Moka
  28. @gidionumm
  29. @Rabeats2093
  30. @Illicitmango
  31. @Igrowdirt
  32. @joheimgrohen
  33. @Emeraldgreen
  34. @Maddawg
  35. @sardinebags
  36. @misterbee :us:
  37. @Tejas
  38. @Rhino_buddy
  39. @Terpsnpurps :us:
  40. @ @olschool
  41. @Green_Light
  42. @Cannaology
  43. @Heavenlygoo
  44. @Kasper0909 .
    Add more numbers if needed

Thanks for this opportunity! @buck90 and @vernal


Damn! i love that handwriting :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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…completely off topic but I’m curious to know as I sit stoned in front of my tent eating cereal…does anybody else just sit and wait for the light to come on? :joy:


Lol every morning man, I wait excited to see that glow under the door ! @Thats_bank


I sleep with my curtains open. I love seeing the sun rise! :sunrise:


Nice! To live somewhere that dark is like a dream for me! Too many streetlights around my house.
That is the best way to wake up too, nice and gentle. I have a sunrise alarm clock, but still not the same.

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My wife wants to know what your smoking on, cause she wants this same experience.


According to my local “medicine” man it’s gelato 33 although I always have my suspicions with that guy lmao


:joy::joy:glad I’m not alone…don’t matter what time I went to sleep I’m up to watch that light cut on


Fuck brother the weed strains around here r dead …people making there own labels and baggies hell they look 100% legit …throwing names on them and everything …
The game ended when I bought eight pucks and everyone tasted damn near the same …stale :rofl:

Don’t get me wrong use to have some killer smoke before the “lables”


I remember watching a guy change some lava cake to wedding cake just because he had the packages :joy:

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Then I know another guy that has all types of “flavors” but they all smoke the same. There’s like 1 good jar out of 10+ lol the shits sad

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Too many choices may get a toker stuck! Or should I say stoked!? :neutral_face: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:
:sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thank you @buck90 @vernal for the chance.

:joy: the name game seems to continue on!

I also seem to remember Kevin Jodrey say something to the affect of. It all tastes and smokes the same because everyone is growing the same strains, same fertilizer, same drying handling conditions


I totally do that most of the days lol…
Sometimes i barge in couple of minutes before the lights come on and wait for it :see_no_evil:


Right? I seriously could care less what FLAVOR or SMELL cannabis has.

Is the effect on point? Does it help your pain/depression/inflammation etc. That is the only thing that matters in my book.


I’m the exact opposite! Give me taste and smell. Usually, the effects are what I’m looking for if the terps are on point.


I agree shit tasting weed I’ve got a tough time smoking. If it’s tasty even if the high is boring I’ll smoke it.


Flavor chaser here as well …I’ve delt with enough “shitty” weed haha .I always anticipate what it’s gonna be like when someone else rolls one up

Yeah man this is Delta fog blueberry HC vertigo hypocrite Slammer

Taste like mids :rofl:
Of course I keep them comments to myself LOL