Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 14)

Hell no if it taste bad I’ll tell you…mf told me I’m never satisfied. Said he’d have to pour gasoline on the blunt to please me. My motto is I didn’t start paying more money to smoke the same or worse as mid


I couldn’t disagree more lol but to be fair I use it for different reasons. I’m early 30s so the pain hasn’t hit yet


Like this right after it switches on and you talk to the world right


Had some of my buddies outdoor. Didn’t have the heart to tell him that all I could taste was the damn fish fertilizer he loves to use. I make damn sure if I use any fish fertilizer its sparsely and only early in veg because of this.



:joy::joy: yup spot on

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Ok I’m sorry lol

Was just watching this last night! No wonder he was acting all crazy…40 mins of sleep every night and hopped up on sugar all the time

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Don’t be bro. Its all good.

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@RatsboggleBiological you won. Send me a DM with deets.

Peace :v:


Here are some pics of finished garland buds
The white background was garland X (golden goat dominant) and the ones in my hand are garland A (Scott’s OG dominant) those were two phenos that ran great and showed expressions from each side well. Fast veg awesome yield. Everyone loves it, anyone that grows it enjoy!


Heavy on the Frosting @Weedison !!
Those are Beauties

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Thank you very much! Really appreciate it. these were also after running a couple times to, I think I got the garland down! I got a bunch of F2s I wanna get into eventually but I love this garland X cut haha


Wow thank you!! Feeling extra lucky this season. Blessed by Bodhi

Thanks you guys! I’ve been hoping for this card for so long. Gotta complete the set!

You’re the best Doug. Very spotty service up here in the blizzard.

Happy holidays! Hope you’re all safe and well. :green_heart:


Congrats on the whole set . Looks like Xmas with your storm your getting.


Lookin exactly like my property right now


WOW I sometimes wish I lived where it snows, I’m from so cal and currently live in nw FL so I’ve only seen snow a handful of times on vacations to mountains etc, it’s never snowed at home on Christmas in my lifetime haha

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Damn I wish we still had snows like that!!

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Where is that??? Obviously not an address question… but where u at? :thinking:

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