Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 15)

Enjoy those beans brother! :relaxed::pray::peace_symbol: Please keep me posted when you pop them, love following along with the grows!


Thank you for the fun and chance for some cool stuff @Habitt !

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Thanks for the opportunity to win some :fire: @Habitt :+1:


Thank you @Habitt
Hope you have a great weekend brother!

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Thank you @Habitt for a chance at these

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Congratulations, @beneficial, for your win! Pot leaf hopper And thank you once again, @Habitt, for yet another great opportunity! G8PxQ8j You so rock!

Lucky #51!


Thanks for a shot at these @Habitt

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Thanks! @Habitt

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Thanks for the great giveaway @Habitt !

Our elementary school bus driver used to play Queen on the bus. We all would sing along to the line “we will, we will Rock You!” And pound on the seats in time w the music. Good times!


I use to play high school football and we would sing ‘we will rock you’ on the way to every game. Use to get high under the bleachers after each game too! God I miss those days.


That’s a great song i bet it pumped everyone up. Like an invigorating anthem before “battle”.

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Man don’t get me started on high school football days. I realized I was a better athlete and student when I started smoking


Thank you for the shout.
And Ty for another chance at some fire @Habitt

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Good luck on this next round everybody. I just won so I’m sitting it out but anything chem sounds fire ! Thanks again @Habitt


Thanks again @Habitt!
Nice one!!

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Wow, what a great finish. Thank you @Habitt! :slightly_smiling_face:
Congratulations to all the lucky winners. :+1:

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I’ve got a separate thread going for my Saturday giveaways now, don’t want anyone to miss it :slightly_smiling_face::pray::peace_symbol:


-greenbeans :call_me_hand::beers:


Thank you for a chance to win these!

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Wonderful giveaway, thanks for this @Habitt !


Gooood morning my fam, Slightly hung over PVOG here, and since I didn’t do it yesterday, today I’ll be doing PVOGs Birthday Blast Giveaway!!!
Later today, after the Advil and coffee kicks in, I’m gonna dig in the vault and kick out some Awesomesauce. And some Peppy LA Pew. And maybe some surprise strains.
Too much work asking everyone to get a chance from a huge list of contenders. I know how hard it is, because I’ve never won, but that’s OK.
I’m a giver.
That’s why I’m not gonna give out a pack of seeds for my Birthday Blast.
I’m gonna pick 5 winners.
Yup, 5.
Still working out the details, might have something to do with a Guy on a Buffalo, so you mighttttt wanna brush up on that.

Just saying.

:eye::heart::point_up_2:OG FAM