Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 17)

Things are starting to heat up for the outdoor season, harder to imagine making good use of Doug’s BK pollen in the short term (though not impossible, almost always possible to come up with a few things to play with, and if can manage to save some it might come in handy when I eventually do something with my pack of Blue Kush).


Mine is safely divided in capsules and stored in the freezer with desiccant beads. Ya know, for that perfect use(s). :wink::+1:


Cool @chronix !!
Nice to hear they came from you!!!
Thank you so much!!!
And @Gonzo !!!
Arrive tamped!!! But arrive!!!
Thank you too


Just putting this out as a feeler at the moment, (skip ahead if you’ve heard this story already) summer of '21 I popped a pack of Petrolia Headstash I bought from Reeferman back in… 2005 probably? It couldn’t have been later than 2006. Ended up with 4 or 5 females, can’t remember off the top of my head. Popped it to make seeds, which I did. Ended up with a fair number, which have mostly sat in the fridge for almost 2 years.

I could bore you with the details of Petrolia Headstash that I remember, but it’s late and it may not be that interesting. The only important thing is that there are two distinct phenos, a tall one and a short one, and the short one is supposed to be the thing to look for (the supposed pre-war Afghani, whatever that means in this case).

The thing is, I don’t know that it’s worthwhile herb from a smoking perspective. I suspect it’s probably kinda mediocre by today’s standards. It did have a distinct flavor, kinda astringent tea tree/camphor? Back then Reef always said it’s usefulness was for breeding, and that it wasn’t great flower for smoking. Bodhi used Petrolia Headstash a little (I have a Nierika freebie pack from him) but at some point he abandoned it and posted something along the lines of there being a number of good Afghans to work with, why keep working something that didn’t seem worthwhile.

Anyway, I realized I still have a bunch of them and reckoned I might as well put out a feeler about whether anyone would be interested if I did some sort of giveaway…?


Thanks @BasementBeans you are the best, nice update please take your time as you were the generous person and it is GR8ly appreciated by all as I am sure! :facepunch: :clap: :sunglasses: :peace_symbol:

@yardgrazer I can’t speak for everyone, but I know I would love to give it a shot if you decide to give them away, I’ve heard a lot of good things about Petrolia headstash but never have had the opportunity to grow or smoke any myself.

I love pollen chucking when I have the space and time to do it so, even if it is really a breeding tool and not good for smoke I would still enjoy giving it a run and possibly crossing it to something else as well.



Cool man, glad they got there & were intact. Next time i send to South America I’ll use a rigid card.
That Purple Urkle was a gift from @Bobgrows
& the other pack I purchased from @JohnnyPotseed
They are both sure to be fire. Hope you enjoy!


Throw some BK pollen at her! :crazy_face:

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Hey dude!!!
This gift are awesome!
I love it!!!
Thank you so much!
Hubbabubba should be fire!
Adorei seu presente!
Vc é um cara incrível!

That sounds like it would be an awesome giveaway :metal::metal:


Hi there @SHSC-1
They dont get in my hands yet.
But can be arrived or not…
You send it togueter with reikox seeds…
Reikox arrives yours not yet.
Lets see next week
I hope them arrive safe!

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I feel the tingle…my project after these cap junky and roadkills is something of bogs work…I have until maybe end July for my hunt…its hard work though I’m finding…especially f1 stock…and great work on them old skunks fella…wish you the best of luck with those…peace


A giveaway would be cool or maybe a group grow looking for some standouts in the line. I have some early Mr. Nice haze id like to mash with the PH just to have some different genetics to work with.


Happy long weekend giveaway for a pack of Barbara Bud x Purple Guava. One :canada: dibs and one :us: dibs.


People are sleeping :sleeping: usually super fast dibs from what I’ve seen


Still pretty early on the west coast. Would think there would be a few peeps up and about


I’m just about to head off myself :joy: east coast though

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sounds like a good one, :+1:


:+1: great giveaway man


I got it everyone went on a snack/ bathroom break! Couple are coming back :joy:
Great giveaway. Proper start to the weekend