Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 17)


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My neighbour has a rooster and just got a calf. It sounds like we live on a farm. and the chicken pen has bright lights , so the cock crows all the time.


Ahhh! hope by neighbor you mean the house 2 miles down the road! Is that why youā€™re up so early? :hatched_chick::hatched_chick::hatched_chick:


Eggs are very high in cholesterol. Good for you if you do not have a problem with your cholesterol. I only eat eggs now on Sunday when I have a once a week big breakfast.


My friends wife thought it would be fun to have roosters they had three, those things would cockadoodle doo all day. A red tail hawk took care of that.


Nature is brutal. Sleep is vital.

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Awesome to hear on the calf! I have 24 birds including the 3 roosters.

I would like to get some cattle eventually once I get more land and a couple runs with some pigs. :bacon: :joy:


You must be young :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

3 of us in a row on my street have chickens. Its the neighbors dog that is the real noise problem


Gotta keep your circadian rhythm in line.

Any (blue light) delays our melatonin release. (up to 4hrs). Easier said than done but I try to go to bed shortly after sunset. Iā€™m a morning person so I donā€™t mind being up at 5am. :grin:


:joy: Iā€™m crossing the threshold between young/old in 12 days.


17 days for me, but no threshold I recently crossed that one.

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That would be annoying for sure. Thankfully no one too close to me has a rooster.

The neighbor on one side has beef cattle. Occasionally they get out on to my property.

The first time it happened, I call him and tell him his cows are in my front yard. Now, Iā€™m from the city originally and Iā€™m think this dude is going to show up with a truck and trailer maybe some horses and lassos and shit to get theses three cows off my property. Nope, he drives over in his sedan, gets out and starts walking towards them.

They all take off into the woods. I feel bad, he is an older guy probably 65ish. But he is in better health than people a third his age. So I get my boots on and go to ā€œ helpā€ him. So apparently the plan is to chase them back through the barbed wire fence to his property. Nothing will make you question your sanity more than chasing a 2k pound animal with horns through the hills of KY.

So any way we get them down in a creek bed and Iā€™ll be damned if those bulls didnā€™t go right up and through that barbed wire. Pulled a post up in the process. Crazy


Haha I hated wrangling cows in my youth, stubborn bastards! They are like yaā€¦. Bring it asshole! Move me if you can, head down start eating grass like you are just a pest as they turn their back to you. I love your perception of what ā€œshould have beenā€ I too would at least expect a trailer and some cowboys lol


I am to old for that much work! :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Well, I did say older. As in older than me.

But I will admit right now. My neighbor with out a doubt will work circles around me. And Iā€™m probably 20-25 years younger than him. I have nothing but respect for that man, he works harder than most. Old country boy for sure.

I meant no offense to anyone.:grin:


Oh ya farmers are built different thatā€™s for sure.


This is gold.

Nice to hear you helped and those barbed wire fences are no match for all the weight/momentum from the cattle. Great story and can laugh at it now too.


Addy send it!!

Hey OG. Iā€™m flush with stamps, thanks to the generosity of fellow growers, so it time to do my part and get more beans out.
This one is gonna be a pick your own prize giveaway. Iā€™ll open a wiki and anyone who wants a chance to win can sign up. Tonight Iā€™ll use the generator to draw 5 usernames and then Iā€™ll message them a list to choose 2 flips of seed from. Options will include, but not be limited to: Biker Slush and itā€™s crosses, Appy mash-ups, Affie crosses, OGKB type thing.
Iā€™ll close the wiki at 7 est and contact the winners.
So get yourself signed up and give a holler to your friends that might like to play.
Add numbers as needed, watch out for overwrite messages. If you get one, back out and try again in a bit. Be kind to one another and have a great Sunday!!

1: @THCeed
2: @OhNo555 :us:
3. @blowdout2269
5. @Smooth
6. @mndlss
7. @LedZeppelin
8. @Kasper0909
9. @RadioWaves
10. @CanuckistanPete
11. @Kyumonryu
12. @tresbundles
13. @Emeraldgreen
14. @FirstCavApache64
15. @freed111 :canada:
16. @ShiskaberrySavior
17. @Natea
18. @Franknberry
19. @BudWhisperer
20. @Greenfingers
21. @MonsterDrank
22. @Piter :es:
23. @Heavenlygoo
24. @Mrgreenthumb
25. @Jimdoors
26. @ChronicMcBudz
27. @calman1955
28. @killabud
29. @Tuned :canada:
30. @HollySun91
31. @NoCal
32. @Weednerd.Anthony :us:
33. @3rdgengrower
34. @420noob
35. @catapult
36. @Zolorp :us:
37. @MotaMan
38. @Sincitytoker
39. @OG_Caveman
40. @dingys
41. @A-Loc
42. @unomas :us:
43. @SonsOfAvery :uk:
44. @Rogue
45. @503BudMan
46. @patsnumone
47. @AzSeaindooin420
48. @DiRtYSkuNkZ
49. @Loggershands
50. @BasementBeans
51. @pharmerfil
52. @FattyRoots
53. @Keene