Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 17)

I hear them keyboard :keyboard: rattling, but you 🫵 won’t be able to look :eyes: this one :point_up: up :arrow_up: :rofl::rofl::rofl::partying_face:

No not even close :flushed:

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Lol, I’m not even gonna try…


I’m a reggae guy, different end of the spectrum for me


Black Sabbath
Seventh Star


Nope not that one either :flushed:

Sabbath invented heavy metal :slightly_smiling_face:

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Judas Priest, Point Of Entry

The third question doesnt make sense.

  1. Led Zeppelin

  2. Presence 1976

  3. D’yer Mak’er

i’m half alseep and fully baked…i don’t think i quite understood the third question :rofl:

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It’s Megadeath

WOW maybe a clue at 11:30 :clock1130: perhaps :thinking:

You are on the tight track

You would have to know the lyrics :joy::joy::joy:

If that’s the case then led zeppelin just ripped off everyone else

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Follow @killabud for a clue

Don’t be a hater

Bet you guys are all reading now :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Don’t believe the hype

  1. Led Zeppelin
  2. Presence 1976
  3. re’kaM rey’D
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