Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 17)

I don’t remember anything like that in school. I must have been absent that day.

You didn’t have sex education in your health class?

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“How to pick up girls during a 15 minute recess”

There use to be a joke about a six pack but I won’t go there……

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I didn’t drink in the 3rd grade! What do you think I am?

My first drink was in the 5th grade when we found a bottle of wine in the ravine that must’ve been leftover from a bush party.

We pushed the cork in with a stick.

And there were no girls present.

@HollySun91 @herojuana.tom send me your mailing address please.


Lol so no one got songs 4 and 5 @GCBudz?

Throw this out there just in case lol

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I have already won, but rock on!

Sent @GCBudz
Thank you!

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Nope, nobody guessed 4 and 5.

Thought i’d do something different where it wasnt first dibs, and not the first to google an answer. Hoping somebody might enjoy this music which may have been enjoyable to them. Thanks for playong along…


Always a good time. Lol that was a tough one, so many good songs out there. Appreciate the chance man :call_me_hand::call_me_hand::v:

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Place was jumpin last night! Morning fam


Good morning




Man! That’s an epic throwback @A-Loc i love it

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Dam I missed out on all the fun last night congrats to all the winners. :partying_face::sunglasses:

Special thanks to those that supplied the 🫘 for the fun and trivia.:clap::facepunch::+1::partying_face::peace_symbol::sunglasses:

Got me dancin over here! And some REAL LOUD 8:30 am music with the woofers bouncing! Thank you bro :pray:t2: LOVE IT! @A-Loc

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Felt fitting as I was sitting outside barefoot enjoying this beautiful spring morning with a cup of joe. Both my sons slept in so the days been off to a great start lol


So awesome, literally got me up and dancing! Glad to share the good morning bro


Excellent man, that’s a great way to start the day :call_me_hand: super glad I shared my morning coffee jam with ya. Hopefully those good vibes keep rolling through the day for ya :v: