Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 18)

Good I win, I never win.

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The hero is a man that wore red gloves

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Now I am out of likes :hot_face:


what was the question

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Captain atom!

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what about underdog

barnacle boy

No but a good guess

Captain Planet?

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i tried that one

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Was going to say this but the Google lists the first appearance as 1960, I think this is it! Much love

Edit - it wasn’t :frowning:

Captain atom!

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Mighty Mouse

He has red boots too

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I did say man :man::flushed:

Shazzam must be

Is it thor the Asgardian God

Cmom that’s pretty close. I don’t have a photographic memory for superhero outfits.

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You guys are killing me and this joint is almost gone :frowning:


3 bowls in! :joy:

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