Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 7)

Lol right? I guess everyone took a nap after the last giveaway.

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It was almost 4:20, I had business to attend to. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yep I am trimming the Maui x pineapple ….


Looks like I am going to have to give out some more packs at some point. Been trying to nail down what the parent was from the PBBx? shrub I grew before I start to giveaway what I know as (PBBx?)xGelato . Very possible it is PBB S1, but I want to get some more info from the seed maker. There is a small list of candidates for the (?) and I have already been able to mark a few off the list, so we are getting close heh.

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I pick up a 1960-70’s organ last night and it is in my garage where my car should be. I have been trying to figure out what to do with it.

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Sorry I was pulling water :droplet: :sweat_smile:
Thanks for the offer :+1:

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Tube organ=Guitar amp!

That was the intent but it is a tone wheel Hammond and they are becoming more extinct. I am disappointed in the speakers they have in this organ, probably would not have bothered if I knew they were in it, I had them before. Not like I am short amplifier parts, I could probably make a dozen of different varieties with what I have kicking around without this organ. I will find a spot to stash it and decide what to do with it next year.


Hammond’s are awesome.


mmmm…Portishead :drooling_face:

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this is random, but that lone strawberry short crack survivor, the bottom of its tap root turned a little brown and dead etc, but on the sides new roots are forming. it hasnt made any progress at all for like two weeks, but I believe it will live. it serious is a little baby seedling still lol with the beginning leaves then some of the first node


Hope it pulls through, but with autos you’re on a finite timer.

Part of me says to cull it.

Dropped one this morning too. Am dropping 3 more Saturday.

The one from today will get elitexelite spray.

Big Furry needs more seeds!


is it an M3? those can be fun to chop down for portable poorman B3 kind of vibes :yum:

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The sss is a complete monster for me

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Hammond L-112, a L100 series, the other numbers are what style cabinet they are.

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nice find! those are really fun.

One of the best groups to ever to it, I was lucky to catch them live in Denmark at the Roskilde festival. Killer set :call_me_hand:t4:


Silver haze seeds anyone want a couple …12 regs

First to name five of the 13 strains I am growing gets em

I’m proud to say 10 are from Ogers amoung us !


Love Eddie
Iron Maiden kicks ass

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Id enjoy a couple! just realized there was a criteria to em oops