Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 8)

Can I trade for Cali mix regs??

does EAT people count?

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Or give to @JohnnyPotseed and I’ll take the regs lol

NO NO NO lol I’m just here for the fun!


I’m Mister Domestics here and have taught each person i’ve been with how to cook and clean :rofl:


it was a stereotypical joke

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I cook all the time too. Granted I’m separated but I cooked more often than the wife when we were together too

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yes! Just message @bassman5420 that thats what you won

Oh I caught that cuz, just wanted to make sure the ladies out here know there are some domestic gents.

:tophat: :man_cook: :broom:

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Thanks @Pluckyevil and @bassman5420
That a double win :trophy: I’ll bow out for the rest peace

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Wow 400 replies since I checked in! Lots of love goin on I could only assume.

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and that’s a correct assumption cuz lol

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I worked as a a sous chef in a 3 star resturant for 4 years, so you know who cooks the most in my house lol.

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The next pack will be the → Old Cali Fire Mix of regs. (Lots of fire, no guarantees, for exploration purposes only)

All sorts of strains are in this mix: Blue Dream, Grape Ape, Trainwreck, the last true skunk I have smoked, various unnamed northern Cali fire from Redding, Willow Creek and Arcata area, etc etc (Its been years and I cant remember all of what he had in here)

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come to papa

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Well lets just get a good ole DIBS for this one eeh?

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Dibs pleSe

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Dibs :green_heart:

dibs al;l the way