Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 8)

Unicorns of course

[quote=“Pluckyevil, post:3539, topic:69973, full:true”]
What is the only animal to poop cubes?
[/quote]wombat happpy ny

no no they poop rainbows…

Wombat might be

I’m in like jail bud! :green_heart:

@Kami gets the win!



I mean a wombat.

Geez, poor guys

wombats. weird stufff

the bare-nosed wombat

thanks so excited. my keyboard went all haywire

Why are they square?

More efficient storage of course!!!

The next hyped fertz.

Guess so they can stack them…they stack them around to mark their territory or that they were there

giggle, giggle, giggle,
funny, well played

really bringing cubism back

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And we only thought monkeys and infants played with their poop…

Here wombats are building castles out of em. :rofl:

Thats some next level shit! :rofl: pun intended!

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Marsupials are so wild!

Thank you for adding to my well of useless knowledge! :pray: Wombat poop is cubic… :thinking: Never would have guessed that. lol

Right? File that under all the things I DO remember, when I am forgetting the important things…

I am full of useless knowledge :wink:


I have learned so much the past couple days coming up with fun trivia lol