Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 8)

I think it’s 42.


Always 420! Didn’t we do this last time? Add that 0! Lol :green_heart::v:


Just a fact from google for shits an giggles.

There are typically around 270 bones in human infants, which fuse to become 206 to 213 bones in the human adult. The reason for the variability in the number of bones is because some humans may have a varying number of ribs, vertebrae, and digits.

Apparently cats have 230.


We aren’t only potheads!
We are learning here, too!


Yes very much
I love this place
Thanks for reminding me

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Yes, because the skull is in 6 pieces at birth! Crazy babies. They are also the only ones who can swallow and breath at the same time. You can’t help but hold your breath.Anatomy of the Newborn Skull



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Cause if 42 is the answer to everything in the universe, adding that zero makes it 10X better! :rofl:


Can you imagine if a babies skull was fused at birth? We’d all have these tiny heads that wouldn’t grow… It would be wierd… A world of tiny headed people… Like the headhunter guy on beetlejuice…

edit: there’s also the alternative… Somehow popping a full size head out… on a babys body… And that would be even stranger…

Lets just be thankful babies skulls are not fused :wink: :rofl:


just don’t steal his ticket in line and everything will be alright

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If there are still some adventurous souls around, next is some more of the → Old Cali Fire Mix of regs. (Lots of fire, no guarantees, for exploration purposes only)

All sorts of strains are in this mix: Blue Dream, Grape Ape, Trainwreck, the last true skunk I have smoked, various unnamed northern Cali fire from Redding, Willow Creek and Arcata area, etc etc (Its been years and I cant remember all of what he had in here but I have been giving them out for years)
@Pluckyevil will throw some trivia out there to answer.

Also the next will be Bonus Round #2 and the last round we will do tonight


I’m going for it !

In which country it is illegal to have only one guinea pig?

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In the spirit of the fire mystery pack I’m in too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Switzerland !!!


@Rabeats2093 Switzerland for the win! Message @bassman5420 with your info and what you won!


I wanna know what you were smoking when you were deciding what to search for, for trivia. Need to grow me some of that :smiley:


Kinda like a goat around here ! Can’t just have one guinea pigs r like lemmings !!

That’s awesome thanks for completing my search and destroy mission !

They r hippie type spiritual animal loving pot growers haven’t you learned that yet :sweat_smile:

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