Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 8)

PM me your address @JohnnyPotseed

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Both LolLOL!

PM me your address @chronix

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Hey cuz, I see @chronix want’s some too. Give mine to him, if you don’t mind?


I have enough to spread around for the four of you no problem


lol never mind you got him took care of, I see
DM incoming cuz

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Very kind of you @darkillusion . And you as well @JohnnyPotseed .


lol you know how it is on here cuz, most of us look out for each other


Dope is as dope duz and you dope as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… but where was I going with that again? Oh, yeah! Back that up, @darkillusion!

I actually think I seen the Bubble post today, right?!

Yeah boy!

Next time I grab some csi you have some comming your way. It will be very soon .
I have restricted myself till next month since xmas just passed


For real… I was gonna stay quite and congratulate @darkillusion for being such a cool cat and hooking y’all up because he already showed me he was serious about that OG life earlier today (or yesterday for me)!


Let me make out the 4th pack and I will swing by the post office.

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Do me a solid when you get back though? If you’re interested, go lock yourself in for a seat on the Freaky Bastard (f1)


Just sent a request.

Oh… not DMs no more? Well then, first three OGs on there are locked in for the drop.

@darkillusion does not count towards the (still open) 3 OG slots

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Nice recycle @Rhino_buddy

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So people get “free” seeds with a purchase?

Not if you’re one of the 3 first OGs to request… then you just get them!

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When they drop end of April*