Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 3

0540 here…been up since 0345 :neutral_face:

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Your awesome @catapult … Thanks for the beans, I’m sure there is gonna be some real fire :fire: in them ,)


I hear that. 8:40 here I’ve already walked my dogs, went to Walmart and the post office.


Oh snap on a Sunday morning…up since 5:45, I haven’t gotten past my kitchen tho…


This is Wayy too much morning for me haha
Did you walk to Walmart & the post office? Cause that would just make me cry :cry:

I’m definitely NOT a morning person, BUT Tomorrow is my first day shift :upside_down_face: after 2 weeks of nights, so I’m “Practiceing” being awake right now.


I love it here. A lot of great and selfless people.


Nope lol, but I have 5 dogs so it’s three walks.

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I only have 1 social media platform and I’ve chosen BECAUSE of this statement above. OG’ERS are seriously, likely the happiest & most careing people on the intertweb.


Hellz nope lol :laughing: too much morning …

However I do need to walk to Costco today :wink:

I’ve got 5 kids & I never walk them… people look at me funny when I use the leash hahaha


lol I go out to the barn for a few hours on a lazy hazy Sunday morning…come back and damned if there isn’t a ton of activity! SMH…
But it’s all good lol… Congrats to all winners and @catapult, @Oldtimerunderground for the OGenerosity!
I’m not ‘dibbing’ around any time soon lol I’ve got my hand’s about as full as I want them atm, lol


Your choice :ok_hand: but Anything Bodhi is amazing.
But whatever you think is gonna be HOT :fire: is cool with Me. Thank you. Variety is the spice of life.


5 of each for me please!

I know …I was trying to catch up on last nights thread…9 hours behind …go get something to eat…come back…further back than when I started teading!


dibs please i sure can use them

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@Worstsideman63 See, I told you to be patient :wink: I’m happy to hear you have some donated beans coming in already. Enjoy that warm OG feeling and let 'em hit some dirt (or water, or coco… you get it, right?) Just remember, when collecting becomes a problem, you can always visit Strainaholics Anonymous meeting. Enjoy!


Thank you and yeah you were right i finally got some, i know it takes patients, im so glad just to get a couple and hope to get more to do me, its very hard for me to buy them on a fixed income so yeah it will help me with my chronic pain and appetite, plus a few other problems i have, you all are the best, so glad to be here, people are so giving and awsome here and thanks @Oldtimerunderground, again thank you all for being here


You will find out here, the my you interact with people and offer help or ask questions, you know, show your really interested, you will be amazed at how many offers come your way. This site has become my second home.
And the generosity is contagious. You’ll see. Hang around.


Get at me, I’m happy to share

Take care of the newer members first, but if there are any extras of either Mother milk cross I would take some…

-Black Poison Skunk X WOMO


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It’s gonna be over 110 degrees today!

So if you all never see me again my brains cooked inside my head and I am stuck waiting for the apocalypse and a civilized Zombie, who prefers their brains well done, to dig in!