Jeziz dude. I think about 3 or 4 more shovel fuls and you’ll start hearing people talking Chinese!
@BigMike55 that almost made cappuccino fly out my nose!
I was just thinking, that’s not digging, that’s straight up archeological excavation!
Lol, time to take a break and cook my wife some dinner. On the bright side it seems my stitches are well healed so life could always be worse.
Well, my job here is complete, then. Hawhaw!
If they were NOT healed they dam sure got a workout!
Think of the bright side, Doug.
At least, lightening didnt come out of the sky and hit you on top of your head, setting your hair on fire that quickly spreads to your clothes! Imagine that!
Ok. I will shut up now. Peace brother.
dude, gives me flashbacks…lol the wife and i did landscaping for almost 10 years. i dont miss it! especially in the dead heat of summer!
I have enough for both of you shoot me your Addy @Abbbian
You are correct sir. The Phatberry and Tulaberry moms were from some seeds a friend of mine gave me. I don’t know what they were, but they were nice looking hybrids. The pollen was from the 2 BBK males I got from the original 6 seeds.
A friend of mine grew Tulaberry outdoors in CO, and said several of the plants were finished at 7 weeks. That’d be something.
Well hell lol I was fixing to say bye y’all …guess I’ll have more likes in the morning when I come back! cyas later, good people!
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wow! im in CO, id be curious but i dont have anywhere outdoors to grow it out. i wonder how it’ll do in a tent comparitively
Check ur PM’s!! SS/BW…mister
Anyone got any Carl Sagan?? Been looking for it for quite some time now.
Might have to make my own version from the parents…
I forgot the ladybugs too i got 500 i think released themmin the grow areas and adjoing rooms hell the whole house I kept 50 and they are still breeding cant say if they worked s i tried a bunch of things all at once one of them worked lol still dealing with gnats though and that’s irritating also withnthe iso i read you can actually take like clead gauxe or cotton balls and physically wipe/remove the bugs and eggs with the iso but inthink thats what burnt some of my leaves
I put a pitcher plant in my grow
I built a light for my 2x4 using the info in that thread. I’ll never buy another prebuilt light. It rocks!
how much did it cost to build for the 2x4 if you remember and don’t mind sharing I’m planning on doing the same
Mmm nothing wrong with that, most times simple is the best.
Now I’m craving chicken caesar wraps!!