Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

I have F2’s in the chamber…just be a bit to cure & germ test…

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Yeah i tried to do everything right, i havnt growed for about 7 years but wanted to get back into it, they were bag beans so go figure, gonna try to find some fems

I’m a patient person no problem waiting for :fire::fire::fire:

Even the ‘fem’ seeds can produce a male, or so I’ve heard…wouldn’t know personally lol But that’s why they say ‘feminized’ and also usually include a disclaimer on their sites as to the way you germ them can help produce males… Or at least, they used to lol

Hey @JohnnyPotseed i soak them till they sink then put them in a paper towel use some superthrive then when tap is about 1/4 long i plant, and just give it very little water, i belive seedlings dont need very much water so i dont know, i might be missing something lol

nope they don’t…too much water leads to ‘damping off’
as to the germination lol I have a rather unique method. if you want to see go to my thread on it here


I sure will buddy and thanks for the info, im gonna go online to try to find a few fems, little pricey but thats my next move, again thanks, thank you all for the support


This just arrived in my mailbox, to whom do I owe the thanks?


lol I think there’s a few of the folks here seen a pic here n there of just what I do… :sunglasses: :smile: :+1:


Try, lots of Fems at a very fair price. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:

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Do they ship to u.s if so ill check them out and thanks

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Fems seeds pretty much guarantee girls only - buds for sure.

the botany is that a Fem plant is induced to make pollen and then her sisters get the dust.
that way all seeds are FEM b/c no male was involved in the process.


MOST are U.S.-based Breeders!!! I’ll send you a list of the ones I’ve dealt in the past, this evening when I’m home. Fair enough? SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


how about a simple call to Mark - easy peasy boat in the water…

Mark - NO FEMS!! Been dealing with him for years, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


gotcha - thought he had something of everything…back to my chores !!!

have a good day folks !!!

:peace_symbol: -


Try that at temps in the 90s, with high humidity, and give them a good bit oh nutes with high Potassium in the first 6 weeks… then come back and talk to me lol

As for our friend Mark… lol his ‘autos’ aren’t …they’re just fast finish photoperiod… I know, since I’ve gotten seeds from Mark. He’ll tell you his ‘autos’ need light manipulation (12/12) to trigger the flowering process…

edit… But, that said, his prices are damn good lol

edit… @Indicaman57 if you want to try Mark go to Calibest420 that’s his site

He usually tosses in extras also, I’ve got probably 10 different strains of his


Ok and thanks ill go look now

I believe it would be @Rhino_buddy


Sorry again cuz, but you left out part of that, lol The WAY the fem is ‘induced’ to make pollen is to reverse it to become a male…

I’ve never had a problem with feminized seeds either, but that’s not to say a male can’t happen, according to all the experts.
Also, please forgive me for maybe sounding like I’m tying to ‘argue’ with ya lol I’m just trying for clarification cuz…nuttin but luv!