Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

Damn it! Where is that middle finger button when you need it? Hawhaw.

Oh! There it is!

Yummy, love me some green beans. I wrap them up with some olive oil and garlic and grill them. I cook everything on the grill :wink: In a food coma now but will waddle out to start fire soon. Happy Birthday to your youngin.


My absolute favorite thing to do with green beans is steam them al-dente and then make poutine with 1/2 crispy fries & 1/2 green beans, mixed with curds and diced Montreal Smoked Meat, then a helping spoonful of gravy on top of all’dat.


Oh man, I got to try that. I recently realized if you toss a bunch of Montreal smoked meat into a pan and fry it and than make a grilled cheese with it in the middle you end up with something really tasty.


I pan fry and bbq deli all the time. I’ll make a stack of burgers and then layer fire-kissed deli in between with cheeses to melt and essentially act as a delicious binding agent.


Just messing with you. That looks delsh. Much better than the salad (but, its healthy, she says) I had to throw down my throat. :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::poop:

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Ok you crazy dibbers. It’s been a few days and I did promise some fire side giveaways. Since the weather is finally cooperative I will toss something out there in a while. Just about to start the fire so stay tuned. I will bring you all fireside with me and see how it goes.


That’s hilarious, in QC people just say smoked meat :joy:. I didn’t know people called it ‘‘Montreal smoked meat’’, how is it different from other smoked meat?


hello folks, evening everyone! did you say dibbers or dabbers? :scream: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Different fat content and spicing than pastrami.

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Here is the way we do it in Texas


Doesn’t look blue rare to me…lol

It’s got a frog accent.

:cowboy_hat_face:yes this is a small one and it is medium rare wasnt that hungry today :mage:

you guys should post in the ‘what do stoner’s eat?’ thread


On it! (random poof of smoke)

(Edit: What do stoners eat? 🍴 - #1995 by Pigeonman)

If only the deli were open at this hour. You have given me griddle goals.

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Hey bud, not sure when I moved to Texas but that’s my dinner from a while back :thinking: Hard to miss my Antique plates and 1970s table :rofl:


I did post that exact pic on that thread, lol.

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My wife has chosen @morecatslesspeople as my #1, @MoBilly #2 and @Pigeonman #3.

I will have something for all of you, let me figure out what I can add to prizes and will get to each of you in turn!