Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

I’m in no way close to the finishing line, but I wanted to share with all of you a part of my commitment for giving back to OG that just arrived in the mail. :smiley:

Why pay for 48x 2x2 stickers when you can make a design at 1x2 that fits into a 2x2 so it’s like you’re getting a 50% off discount EVERY TIME you make an order :wink:


I like that! Awesome design/layout there cuz… :+1: :sunglasses:

edit… Lamo I just saw that ‘bird seed’ :rofl: :rofl:


actually it’s “Birb Seeb”, but yes!


:rofl: :rofl: :smile: :+1: :sunglasses: ok lol my bad I couldn’t quite make it out there


I can’t either and it’s my own photo :laughing:

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Love them! They look great!


You get these from Amazon @Pigeonman? They look great! I think I need to get some made of my own before my first big seed run.


That looks like you put alot of thought into , looks way cool !

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@Rabeats2093 the beans have landed! Thank you again :beers:

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Hell yeah man glad to hear it and glad I could give back to the community !


Because i’m in Canada the Amazon options are not available to me otherwise I would have. I went with “The Printing House” which mean’t supporting a local franchise which is always my preference when spending my hard earned $. About $36.00 cad for 72 glossy 2x2 stickers with signature delivery. My plan of cutting each in half based on design gives me 144 units for the same costs. Anyways it’s all for fun and the love of OG so for my own enjoyment it’s worth it. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’m in Canada too but no Printing House here, I’ll have to do some investigating.

They do online! Easy peazy upload paizy.

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And the Legend of Generic Swab Seeds begins :joy:


I’m gonna throw this out here for people who want their own sticker and are not as artistic as others lol.

About 8 years ago I started a landscaping company and was very impressed with this website . I paid something around $100 Cad and had about 50 different people send me designs for a logo to my company. I had lots of good ones to choose from but ended up going with this.


Thank you for this. I’m sure I’ll be able to follow this chart throughout my grow. I’m scared to see the results. What are actions I can prepare for now to prevent deficiencies like displayed on chart from occurring? And nutrient I can buy that kinda says all that? Or do you have good tips of remedy’s that work?


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They came out cool looking!

You still at it? I’m starting one up. Bought a velke for my mower yesterday. Odd choice to buy that before a blower but I need it, it’s in great condition, and the dude flaked on messages for a week so he dropped it to $75 from $100. Can’t find them for $75, let alone in non beat to shit condition.

I’m getting flyers printed up soon and I’m fighting the urge to add “plus I’ll sell you weed!” on them :smile:


No I only did it for 4 years good times though! Sometimes I regret stopping but all in all I learned a ton from the experience. Now I’m working a weekend shift at a machine shop and helping a buddy with his landscape company throughout the week,

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I learned I like to just chill out when im done my days worth of work haha and not have to worry about all the other stuff like finding the next job!

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I was also only 18 when I started it so didn’t really know what I wanted to do yet!

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