Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5

The dunks only work for so long too. After a few generations they develop immunity to it. Captain Jack’s dead bug wiped them 99.9% out for me


and btw I really like that this thread is the way it is and not like it was previously the first volume took forever to hit max and some folks were very serious about the whole “spamming” a thread and would let you know about it guess there gone or had a change of heart water cooler it is


the spinosad right I have some coming next week hate that I have to order like 95% of my grow supplies my area has zero grow shops if its not at walmart your not getting it thanks I think you recommended it before

That’s right, walk into the water…
There are competitions with these machines here…

They couldn’t break down in a war, so they were out of planned obsolescence.

They were the first tractors in Brazil, before them it was animal traction…

Mine is over 50 years old, I bought it used…


pretty intense race, lol

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I found it at home Depot! But I ordered a big container of the concentrate on Amazon. I should have just bought a second spray bottle because I haven’t needed it since then. I have a couple outdoor plants I was thinking of bringing in which would necessatate soaking them down a few times first.

So I was just minding my own business doing some stuff around the house and got 2 IG notifications from my local grow shop. I couldn’t think of any recent comments I made for them to be responding to. Turns out I won a contest for a pack of those plastic 90* LST training clips I forgot I entered! Sweet deal!

So to return the favor I figured I’d mention them Shore Grow Hydro on IG. This isn’t just a plug though. Every Tuesday night they do a live session and discuss different grow topics and field questions if you have any. The dude Doug who owns the place and does the live stream is pretty knowledgeable .


Very nice! If my 3d printer did not have a weird issue with the x axis, I would love to make a bunch of cropper clips. They are very handy from what I have seen.

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Hey all!
I did a bit of a sugar leaf rub last night.
Have any of you had a Granddaddy Purple that smells JUST like Juicy Fruit gum? I mean exactly like Juicy Fruit.
If that’s going to carry over into taste I’ll be amazed.
@Eagles009 @Chronickyle @anon62804309 @DougDawson @G-paS @TheNorthAbides @Oldtimerunderground @misterbee @JohnnyPotseed
Or anybody else of course!


I with a GDP here over 1,70 meters. 2 week of flowers.
Will be my first time with this strain.
After see exelent reviews of them.


mine is fruity / floral. no juicy fruit smell here. not gonna lie I cant really remember what that stuff tasted and smelled like but I feel like I would remember it if I smelled it

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My wife took a whiff of that rub and her eyes popped! “It’s Juicy Fruit” she exclaimed! As soon as I smelled it I knew the smell too. It’s just like when I was a kid.


thats cool! glad to here you two are enjoying yourselves and the plants! Ive still got a little of that GDP left. I let it go mostly amber for the wife for sleep / pain. apparently shes been smoking it I don’t go in that jar.


i know it’s off topic but it was an earlier discussion in here that i’m posting about, (i hope going off topic doesn’t bother anyone i feel like this has become a hub for conversation). i was given a couple suggestions for coffee to try out. i ordered the lavazza or whatver brand was recommended but there was a problem. the damn amazon driver delivered it to the apt next door and now i have nothing to show for it. fuckin thief neighbors are the same ones that stole my outdoor harvest for 1 or 2 years in a row. the only reason they didn’t get 3 is because i was camped out carrying an axe handle waiting for them, lol. i heard one of them step on gravel right around the corner 5 ft away from me and they probably shit themselves when i switched a flashlight on. i had to go buy some caribou coffee which wasn’t bad compared to the other stuff i’ve tried. oh well.


Contact Amazon customer service and tell them it got delivered to your neighbors. I had that happen with an echo show 8 and they replaced it in like 3 days. That show was alot more expensive than coffee.

On that note, try deathwish coffee. It’s so strong I had to stop drinking it because I couldn’t sleep at night.


yeah they said they’ll refund me. i was only like 8 dollars or something, pretty much a sample bag.

edit, i don’t like strong coffee. i decided to stop all that sugar intake so now it’s just sugar free creamer to mask the bitterness that i dont like


Give it a good Cure, it WILL carry over, even linger on the exhale!!! You’ve got a good 'um there, Bro!!! Semi Holy Grail, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


that deathwish is legit but seriously beware its got a kick

I prefer the Kona blend, but can and will drink any coffee… If you think some types of coffee are strong…try the motor oil we made in Nam in the 60s that’d go for a couple days, getting ‘refreshed’ at times… :rofl: :rofl:

edit… and always straight black from the early days of my youth…


No but jealous I love the fruity candy terps my favorite always right on sir

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