Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 21)

So heres the going to work blasted story.

I was getting ready for work, and all of a sudden my brother and friend come back , and they said they got some weed.

So I want to hit a small hit before work to spice it up a little…

I take some out and go to break it down into the bowl and literally it just turns to dust. Must have been shipped straight from cali with 0 humidity control lol. It turned to dust man.

t minus 5 minutes after hitting the bowl. It is hitting me VERY hard. Im already considering calling out sick for work but my co worker calls me… and hes on the way to pick me up…

So in a high stupor I try to finish getting ready and he arrive… Dude Im so high I cant even tell you how high. like level 9/10.

I get in his truck and it feels like a spaceship , big windshield, high tech toyota truck. Man. The visuals were insane.

I get to work and I figure out im the only cook there tonight… So I sigh and just deal with it… Then a bad storm hits… changing the mood and the high because it got dark.

Man I made pizza and burgers that night absolutely blasted.

Effects were quite insane visuals for weed. ( everything was bright and contrast ehanced , hdr )

Simple things were way funnier than it should have

I couldnt stop thinking about how High I actually was and How Im stuck at work riding it out LOL.

keep in mind I only hit a small hit or two LOL.

Whatever that weed dust was I tell you what… It hit sooooooooooooooooooo strong .

Another funny story would be hitting someones dab pen at Warped Tour… but ill save that for another time

maybe make it trivia too :stuck_out_tongue:

I realize I might need to make a story thread