Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 21)

Dude roll on the couch its possible LOL

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So heres the going to work blasted story.

I was getting ready for work, and all of a sudden my brother and friend come back , and they said they got some weed.

So I want to hit a small hit before work to spice it up a littleā€¦

I take some out and go to break it down into the bowl and literally it just turns to dust. Must have been shipped straight from cali with 0 humidity control lol. It turned to dust man.

t minus 5 minutes after hitting the bowl. It is hitting me VERY hard. Im already considering calling out sick for work but my co worker calls meā€¦ and hes on the way to pick me upā€¦

So in a high stupor I try to finish getting ready and he arriveā€¦ Dude Im so high I cant even tell you how high. like level 9/10.

I get in his truck and it feels like a spaceship , big windshield, high tech toyota truck. Man. The visuals were insane.

I get to work and I figure out im the only cook there tonightā€¦ So I sigh and just deal with itā€¦ Then a bad storm hitsā€¦ changing the mood and the high because it got dark.

Man I made pizza and burgers that night absolutely blasted.

Effects were quite insane visuals for weed. ( everything was bright and contrast ehanced , hdr )

Simple things were way funnier than it should have

I couldnt stop thinking about how High I actually was and How Im stuck at work riding it out LOL.

keep in mind I only hit a small hit or two LOL.

Whatever that weed dust was I tell you whatā€¦ It hit sooooooooooooooooooo strong .

Another funny story would be hitting someones dab pen at Warped Tourā€¦ but ill save that for another time

maybe make it trivia too :stuck_out_tongue:

I realize I might need to make a story thread


yeah. my most intense high was after my first harvest back in 2010. G13 clones i got so who knows what it really was. i hadnā€™t smoked more than 10 times at that point. and since i had a bunch of flower i figured i might as well try it. also, sploofs or whatever you want to call them donā€™t work. (toilet paper tube with dryer sheets at the end, lol.) i took a couple hits with one of those long lighters you use with the bbq grill and a pipe i got with a seed order and i was gone. the strangest thing happened. my brain split into sections like 7 different orbs with different realities and i think i had to choose one. havenā€™t experienced anything like that again. unfortunately i didnā€™t hang on to that strain.


i love the glowing brightness effect, only had that with tangerine dream and sour diesel.

i hope iā€™m not going too far off topic in this thread, if it bothers anyone i can delete the posts. iā€™ll stop posting now.


The strongest ever was that treehouse stuff probably.

Like I put on music on the sound system and got intense visuals. Such as : The room slowly transformed into a matrix code like theater room, but as time and the song went on, the graphics got better and it turned into a full blown theater in which I was looking at huge floating instruments playing the song on stageā€¦

then as he started singing it turned into what I can only think of as Gods mountain, his hill. There was rainbows and waterfalls and it was insaneeeeeee.

If only I could have had seeds from that strain I stgā€¦

Acer 1 from Hoku Seed Co - Shop ā€” Hoku Seed Co.

Is the only strain I can find that would be similar to this high

At least from what the description talks about

Maybe a high THCV strain or something could do itā€¦ The kullu valley landrace im growing is supposedly a soaring trippy high so we will see :stuck_out_tongue:


Same, I might start a ā€˜ā€™ That time I got high ā€˜ā€™ story thread


I wish I had a low tolerance and could get high an trip out. :laughing: :joy: :v:


Grow that acer 1 brotha :smiley:

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Exactly what i was thinking :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The tincture of @ReikoX can still get me there, at least a bit :grin:


THAT sounds good!

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Sorry :cry: I have takes so long, but have been kinda sick :face_with_thermometer: on and off for a few weeks. I got these in the mail a few weeks ago and have been waiting to post them. Card came with no information and I believe that @EpiKatz sent these to me and I wanted to thank :blush: you šŸ«µ for the generous gift :gift:! :facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Hope I got the right person. :flushed::roll_eyes: šŸ«Ø :grimacing: :expressionless:


Moved to this thread :sewing_needle:: see post #841 :wink::facepunch: :+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


my wife asked where were you? colorado? she said its supposedly haunted as shit lol

I think that was some supernatural shit, as I have experienced some different shit too.

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georgia haha

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Man, I have paid a lot of money over the years to have any sort of visuals like that, and Nadaā€¦ Even with other shit I should have been tripping balls on.

(stands as if in an AA meeting) my name is Luxton, and I have never hallucinated (deep sigh of relief)


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@darkillusion these arrived yesterday. Thank you


Who would like to play a trivia game for some seeds?


I think everyone is napping :sleeping:


Well then that is there loss.
Up for grabs is some GTR F3 seeds.


Iā€™m down for some trivia lol. I can wait for some other folks to join in the fun.

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