That Time I got High - Thread for High Stoner Stories

I was writing stories over here in the free seed thread such as this one :

And it got me thinking I have not seen a thread for this. So here we go, tell us the stories about that time you got high.

Give us your strongest high experiences, anything and everything.


Wicked idea! I don’t think I seen one of these threads around


Ok. So I come from a very rural part of Ohio and this is about 1984. A couple of buddys of mine and myself get hold of a Thai stick. So we decide that we will spend a nice sunny afternoon fishing and catching a “pleasant” buzz. We get to the pond and they say we should get high first so we each take a couple of hits and BAMM ! We are f…king hammered. We were so stoned that we could barely get our fishing poles set up. At one point I looked at my watch. I thought we had been there for hours but it had only been about 20 minutes. That shit ripped a hole in the “fabric of space-time” or something. We were so high that no body could drive so we sat there all night long. :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:


Ok so i think i was 17. Bought a 1/8 from a local dealer. When i got it i notice it was straight shake. All he had left so i rolled with it.
Had to rush to my first day on the job.
Smoke have a g on the way maybe. Felt fine going in. So the owner and manager suited me up(truck wash gear) and started giving me a tour.
5 min in i started feeling real heavy, then i noticed i was gettin sweaty. So im standing there while the super and manager explaining operations when it set in. I gracefully took two steps back where i could lean on the wall. It was no help. I slowly started melting, the wall could’nt save me. I could hear everything but couldn’t say a word as i slowly slid down the wall. It was a complete melt down. Two bosses standing over me asking if i was alright. Could barely hear them over the buzz in my head as i sat in a pile.
Not sure how long it all went on but when i snapped out of it they sent me home. I worked there for to years after the meltdown.