Free Seeds, Free Pollen & Free Clones Thread (Part 21)

Been playing for 47 years and have many guitars :guitar: as I am a collector as well. :star_struck::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::partying_face:


Here are a few, I really need to remember to take pictures of the other, but just donā€™t think about. :roll_eyes:


Have you ever played an Alembic guitar like one in the style of Doug Irwin guitars that he made for Jerry??

I had this one modeled after Jerryā€™s Wolf guitar

Sadly I sold it in a deep financial pit about 4 years agoā€¦

probably one of the worst mistakes ever I have made as far as money and instruments go!!!


Iā€™ve been playing for 18 years myself, and I typically stick to my Martin acoustic which is one of the ones made in Mexico, not the American ones of course.

And the same thing goes for my telecaster. It is the made in Mexico version not an American fender.

The Alembic was crazy it had an onboard effects loop, and coil splitting on the humbuckers it was probably the greatest instrument I have ever owned, or will play


Never played one of them and donā€™t play my acoustic much anymore as it works my hands way too much. :joy::joy::joy: Rate now I am in the process of restoring my very first real guitar :guitar: from the 1960s era that is a telecaster, Kinda into restoring guitars now, but I am not a certified guitar luthier at all. I have a few friends that are to help me along the way.


Thatā€™s awesome man, I love working on guitars as well!

Iā€™m no luthier either but have swapped countless pickups tuning machines bridges and stuff like adusting a wonky truss rod.

I miss my old 1972 Stratocaster it was natural ash color but I gave it to a good friend I was working on forming a band with back in California before I moved out here to FL

He still has my Les Paul Special with P90s too!


I just rebuilt a guitar :guitar: for a kid in my neighborhood that I have been giving free lessons to for about the last 8 months. He had a real piece of shit :poop: that needed a lot of work. The look on his face when I gave it back to him I really could never put a price tag on. I too was lucky :four_leaf_clover: enough to have an old cat take an interest in me that I will never forget, without his encouragement and never enduring persistence I would never be where I am today or as accomplished with instruments :guitar: and music :musical_score:.


Good man @OhNo555 ā€¦maybe youā€™re just helping a kid along with a hobbyā€¦maybe your steering the next Jeff Beck down the right road. Either way itā€™s good!


Got to always pay it forward and never forget where you come from. :tophat::tophat::tophat::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Very nice!!!

My old man used to teach in his teen-years, so when I was a teen I picked up his '65 fender mustang and begged for lessons. Finally, one Sunday, he caved and gave me a lesson. When he came home on Monday, he asked if I had practised yet, which I hadnā€™t, and that was my last lesson, lolā€¦ So, Iā€™m self taught, much to the shagrin of my neighbours, :joy:.

But, I got into building electrics a bitā€¦ I eventually built one for my dad with '65 Strat reissue pickups. I spent a solid 250 hours sanding the body alone. Giving it to him, it was the 3rd and last time I ever saw him cryā€¦ Music is awesome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::grin:.

Hereā€™s most of my stringed instrumentsā€¦ Dad passed after this pic, so I have a couple more from him in the collection now too.

Thatā€™s one hell of a lucky kid. As shitty as I play (a local band pulled me up on stage a few times, otherwise Iā€™m just jamming at home alone), music has saved my life.


I like the fenders and it looks :eyes: like a Les Paul copy or custom jobbie on the left. Which brings me to the question as I see both left and right hand axes :axe::joy::joy::joy:, which hand do you play with :face_with_monocle::roll_eyes:

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@luxton pics that like with so many guitars make me smile ear to ear every time, some of my best memories have been tied to playing music with friends!

And people I just met in places like Venice Beach and Haight Ashbury Iā€™d always bring a guitar with meā€¦

And @OhNo555 its always a great thing to help a kid out interested in music, Iā€™ve taught a couple kids who ended up having small bands and doing local gigs

that made me smile inside and out for sure, it can be such a good feeling to see people take off and succeed, I have a slight theory about happiness that itā€™s more genuine and longer lasting when you share it with others


Youā€™re rightā€¦ Bottom left is an epiphone special 2, top left is a Michael Kellyā€¦ I donā€™t know much about the company, but the spawled maple sucked me in, lol.

The red strat, with the lefty head, is a sister to the strat on the far far left. That natural one is the one I made for my dad. When I was putting the red one together I wanted something different, so I put a lefty headed neck on itā€¦ Doesnā€™t make a difference other than looks and tuning is a little odd :grin:.


I know what you meanā€¦ I brought the red acoustic in the back all over with meā€¦ I had people shouting requests on a plane trip once, I brought it to Mexico a D had some fun down there with the localsā€¦ Itā€™s such a universal language and good time :ok_hand:.


That was a really fun thread to wake to and read! :slight_smile: Made me feel all warm and fuzzy :purple_heart:
My ā€œoopsā€ seeds seem to have brought some happiness without even being grown. :heart_eyes: Though if any of you want them for crazy experiments or pothole filling, just send your deets.

@Piter, happy to send you any of the beans you want. Just PM deets.
@luxton thatā€™s not cheating, awake is awake, doesnā€™t make a difference to me how you got there, though thatā€™s a pretty ewwy way to wake up from my perspective :rofl:


Oh! what a wonderful surprise.
Many Thanks!

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Donā€™t get me wrong, my dogs are my children and I love them as such, but yeah thatā€™s a really lame funny/sh*tty way to wake up :joy::joy:

If youā€™re looking to get rid of beans, Iā€™ve been trying to find some I could experiment with in a smaller growing space :grin:.


Sure! Send me a PM with any more details of what youā€™d like and where to send. I certainly have some that are very much inclined to be tiny plants. In fact, I just culled the rest of the ones I sprouted from one home pineapple cross for smallness. That pot did have kind it crappy soil, but they didnā€™t look nutrient deprived. Their mother was short on nutrients and had to compete with other plants though, since she volunteered in a weird spot, so Iā€™m thinking epigenetic change. Anyhow, if you want to be scientific and noodle over it with me, that would be fun and theyā€™ll be well labeled. If not, feel free to throw them around haphazardly. :laughing: Whatever makes you happy is fine with me.

I think it takes most folks 30 plants or more to get a real feel for a new plant, or new grow method, or for autoflowers vs. photoperiods. Happy to provide non-valuable seeds for learning. I donā€™t have any feelings of ā€œpreciousnessā€ toward these beans - its nice if they can be useful for something. :slight_smile:


@luxton - If you can document your grow Ill send you some testers


Beauty! I have a 4x5 tent with a ā€œroomā€ taking up the front 1ā€™, with a cool little a shelf :grin:. I have my aquaponics running in the 4ā€™ and want to try something small in that front foot. Iā€™m uber bad at over-watering, and have killed some stupid expensive seeds over the last year experimenting, so some seeds that CAN turn out, but no one is going to be mad at me if/when I mess them up, would be perfect :metal::metal:.

Iā€™ll shoot you my deets, thank you!!!